Translation of "Troops " in Japanese

0.022 sec.

Examples of using "Troops " in a sentence and their japanese translations:

He told his troops:


The troops marched past.


Troops to fight against Napoleon.

結集しよう としました。

The troops maintained their ground.


The troops landed in Greece.


The troops advanced twenty miles.


Our troops engaged with the enemy.


That captain handles his troops well.


The troops had plenty of arms.


He is commander of our troops.


The President called out the troops.


The troops were in battle array.


The troops easily put down the rebellion.

- 軍隊は暴動を簡単に鎮圧した。
- 軍隊は簡単に反乱を鎮圧した。
- その軍隊は簡単に反乱を鎮圧した。

The troops refused to obey the command.

- 兵士達はその命令に従うことを否定した。
- 兵士達はその命令に従うことを拒否した。

The troops soon put down the rebellion.


But in 1945, Soviet troops suddenly attacked Sakhalin.

でも 樺太は 1945年 突然 ソビエト軍が攻めてきて

The next year, Davout’s troops became Third Corps  

はグランデアルメの 第3軍団 に

Almost unheard of for French troops in Spain.


Ensuring the loyalty of the troops at Versailles.


His own troops went hungry and without pay.


The Soviet troops started to withdraw from Afghanistan.


Our troops were constantly attacked by the guerrillas.


The troops were retired from the front lines.


The enemy troops closed in on the city.


The enemy flung fresh troops into the battle.


The troops fought with Grant against the Confederates.


Where troops were preparing  for the invasion of England.


Notoriously tough, his troops  respected rather than loved him,  


They were rescued by friendly troops just in time.


The authorities sent in troops to quell the riot.


His troops had to be rescued by Marshal Lannes’ corps.


Series of rearguard actions that kept Wellington’s troops at bay.

ウェリントンの軍隊を寄せ付けない一連の後衛行動と 戦った

Chaos among his troops, just as they encountered Blücher’s army.

、集中豪雨と洪水が 彼の軍隊に混乱を 引き起こした 。

At the front, Russian troops begin to desert en masse.

しかし前線のロシア軍では 大規模な脱走が始まっていた

Troops were swiftly called in to put down the riot.


Forty five thousand troops, three thousand four hundred military vehicles,

4万5千の軍隊と、 3400の軍事車両、

Who was loved by the troops,  and Davout, who was not.

間のカリスマ性の隔たりを浮き彫りにしました 。

“My troops will not impede you harvests nor overcrowd your cities.


Ensured his troops pulled back across the river in good order.


Though heavily outnumbered, Victor skilfully  handled his French and German troops,  


Then on the retreat – where his surviving  troops were effectively sacrificed,  


Fails to divert any German troops from the fighting at Verdun.


Completely surrounded by our troops, the enemy finally surrendered to us.


They moved the troops back in a sudden change of tactics.


Peace-keeping troops moved in to restore calm after the battle.


His troops went straight into action,  holding off a powerful Coalition attack…  

彼の軍隊はすぐに行動に移し、強力な連合軍の攻撃を 阻止しました …

His generals and his troops have gained  everlasting claims on my gratitude.”

彼の将軍と彼の軍隊が私の感謝の気持ちで永遠の主張を得た ことを元帥に伝えてください 。」

Troops – the biggest army ever seen  in Europe - across a 400-mile front.

軍隊(ヨーロッパでこれまでに見られた中で最大の軍隊) の動きを調整する必要がありました 。

He found an impossible situation – a widespread insurgency, and insufficient troops and supplies.


This corps, composed of German troops and reluctant Prussian allies, guarded the left

この軍隊は、ドイツ軍と消極的なプロイセンの同盟国で構成されており 、侵略の

Napoleon put Oudinot back where he was  most effective, leading troops in combat  

ナポレオンはウディノを最も効果的な場所に戻し、 彼の緊密な監督の下で

Though his troops were kept busy defending  depots and convoys from Cossacks raids.


He then marched his surviving troops  over the bridges in good order – a  


Leading troops in to clear the chamber,  shouting ‘Citizens, you have been dissolved’…  


His troops were in heavy fighting with  the Austrians – but dressed in white,  


Nicholas sent troops to help put down a Hungarian revolt against Austrian rule.

ニコライはオーストリアに軍を送り、 ハンガリー独立運動の鎮圧に協力する

Tanks and planes may defeat the troops but they cannot conquer the people.


But Lannes, with support from future Marshals  Oudinot and Grouchy, expertly used his troops  


Davout’s masterful handling of his troops enabled  Third Corps to repel the Prussian onslaught.  


New Duchy of Warsaw, where he oversaw the  recruitment and training of Polish troops.

総督になり 、ポーランド軍の採用と訓練を監督しました。

Suchet found his troops to be poorly supplied, ill-disciplined and low in morale.


He then reorganised his troops, and restored discipline and pride with two quick victories

し、スペイン人に対する 2つの迅速な勝利で規律とプライドを回復し

The next year his impeccably-drilled troops became Fourth Corps - the largest corps of

翌年、彼の完璧に掘削された部隊は、第4軍団( グランデアルメの

Well-led troops – two attempts to relieve the besieged garrison of San Sebastian failed.

指導力のある軍隊に 対抗しました –サンセバスティアンの包囲された守備隊を救済する2つの試みは失敗しました。

He commanded the French right wing, but  skilfully extricated his troops from the debacle.


And Murat’s troops fought back with brutal  force – killing around 200, executing 300 more.


For Naples, promising to raise fresh troops.  Murat and Napoleon would never meet again.  

する ことを知らせ、 新鮮な軍隊を育てることを約束した。ミュラとナポレオンは二度と会うことはありません。

In 1814, the final defence of the French  capital fell to troops under Mortier  

1814年、フランスの首都の最終的な防衛は、 モンシー元帥の州兵の支援を受けて、

Knowing his troops would struggle to live off the land in this impoverished region,

ナポレオンは貧しい土地での 現地調達は難しいと予想していた

And with many of Napoleon’s best troops and commanders now tied down in Spain…

そしてナポレオンの精鋭部隊と指揮官の多くが スペインに拘束されていた頃

Which saw French troops advance almost 100  miles through the mountains in just 8 days.


He later gave Third Corps the honour of  being the first troops to enter Berlin.


When it crossed the Niemen River in  June, its troops were so well turned out,  

6月にネマン川を渡ったとき、その軍隊は非常によく わかっ ていたので、

Escape. Three weeks later, his troops were  in the thick of the fighting at Smolensk.

防ぐことはできなかった 。 3週間後、彼の軍隊はスモレンスクでの戦闘の最中にあった。

Troops on the coast to make diversionary attacks; while Napoleon withdrew more and more units

、迂回攻撃を行うために海岸に軍隊 を上陸させることができました 。ナポレオン

Against Wellington’s troops at Quatre Bras, he was too cautious when he held the advantage.


In the brutal winter battle at Eylau, his troops held the centre of the line.


Ability to deliver a master-stroke, or inspire his troops to victory, waned with time.

た、才気あふれるインテリジェントなオーガナイザー です。

Macdonald spent an unhappy year in Catalonia, commanding troops in what he regarded as an

マクドナルドはカタルーニャで不幸な一年を過ごし、彼が 不道徳な戦争

For failing to get his troops into position,  and blamed him for the Allies’ escape.

彼の軍隊を定位置に配置できなかったために彼に向かって 飛んで 行き、連合国の脱出を非難した。

Inspiring the troops of Tenth Corps by leading  one counter-attack in person. After the  

1回の反撃を直接主導して、第10軍団の軍隊を鼓舞した。 包囲 が 無事に終了した

Napoleon near Vienna. But at the great Battle  of Wagram, his troops remained in reserve,  

ました。しかし、ヴァグラムの戦いでは 、他の軍団が猛烈な戦いを繰り広げている間 、彼の軍隊は予備軍のままでした

A few years ago it would have been inconceivable for Japan to send troops overseas.


With General Suchet’s division in the lead. For  six hours, his troops were engaged in furious  

スーシェ将軍の師団が先頭に立った。 6時間の間、彼の軍隊は 高原の村のため

The next day Davout’s troops fought off a major  Austrian dawn assault… then launched their own  

翌日、ダヴーの軍隊はオーストリアの大規模な夜明けの攻撃を撃退しました…それから彼ら自身の 攻撃を

It was in Italy that Suchet learned the most valuable lesson of his career: for troops


Entrusted by the Emperor with the main attack on the enemy centre, he formed his troops


Mortier told his men, “We have not enough  troops to resist their large armies for long;  


His rewards included an honorary rank as Colonel-General in the Consular Guard, plus command of troops


Nor was he on the spot to inspire his troops… and his army suffered a bloody defeat.


Devoid of glory, and saw his troops defeated  by an allied sortie at the Battle of Barrosa.


I tell you that he is a bad general, that the English are bad troops, and this will

偉大な将軍であるに違いないと 思います 。 彼は悪い将軍であり、英語は悪い軍隊であり、これは