Translation of "Successive" in Japanese

0.007 sec.

Examples of using "Successive" in a sentence and their japanese translations:

He won four successive world championships.


It is hard to win four successive games.


Well, most people would think, it's successive even numbers.

大半の人は 連続する偶数だと思うでしょう

Well, you'd propose other sets of successive even numbers:

別の連続する偶数の組を 挙げることもできるかもしれません

I went there by myself, often on successive evenings.


- It rained five successive days.
- It rained five days in a row.


Today's land problems are the product of years of neglect by successive governments.


Its design will force any attacker to overcome successive layers of strong defence to reach

攻撃側は何層もの防御網を突破して 最後の砦キープを目指さなければならない