Translation of "Millions" in Japanese

0.010 sec.

Examples of using "Millions" in a sentence and their japanese translations:

Gaining millions of views.

何百万回もの 再生回数になりました

Be embraced you millions!


They have millions of followers,


Some of whom have made millions, if not hundreds of millions of dollars.

超億万長者とまでいかなくても 億万長者の方々です

Started to garner millions of views.


Your contributions help millions of people


Millions of workers lost their jobs.


And they sell it, they make millions,

それを売りものにし 大金を得ています

Costing hundreds of millions of dollars each,


And this is what attracts these millions.

それがここにくる1億もの人々を 魅惑する理由です

And that millions of people could fulfill.


Losses will run into millions of dollars.


Millions of wild animals live in Alaska.


It may be that millions of years ago


Not representative of the millions of voiceless victims.

何百万もの声なき被害者を 代表してはいないと言う人たちです

So that millions of workers around the world


Collectively, they created millions of dollars of value,

総計 何百万ドルもの 価値を生み出しています

So, over millions of years, she's had to...


There are millions of stars in the universe.


One murder makes a villain, millions a hero.


Millions of people starve to death every year.


Millions of families were counting on this law working,

数百万の家族がこの法律が機能する事を あてにしていました

Now, cases like these can save millions of lives

このような訴訟で 何百万人もの命を救い

It's a star just like millions of other stars.

無数にある他の恒星と なんら変わりない星だったのです

Developing video games for hundreds of millions of users,

休まずに働き ビデオゲームを開発してきました

The exodus of millions of bats continues for hours.

‎おびただしい数の大群が ‎何時間も飛び続ける

Millions of trees have been cut down for fuel.


You can see millions of stars on this hill.


But I remember this day because these millions of people


We spend hundreds of millions of dollars, globally, every year

毎年 世界で何億ドルものお金が

We have 11 language versions, we have millions of views,

サイトは11の言語に対応しており 数百万回 閲覧されています

Only one careless mistake cost the company millions of dollars.


In sub-Saharan Africa, there are hundreds of millions of people


And why do hundreds of millions of people around the world

そして なぜ何億という人々が

But there's hundreds of millions of people watching from home anyway,

何億という異星人が それを家で見ていて

Next week, millions of people will be watching the TV program.


Or you could do and make the choice that millions are,

でも 何百万人もの人が選ぶのは

And suddenly we were a part of millions of people's lives.

突然 私達は何百万人の人々の 生活の一部となりました

This is like a giant underwater brain operating over millions of years.

‎何百万年も前から海中にある ‎巨大な脳のようだ

Millions of dollars have been spent trying to shore up the company.


But there are tens of millions of young people who are not so lucky.

でも 皆さんほど幸運でない若者たちが 数千万人もいます

There are millions of people out there, like me, right now, feeling that way.

今この瞬間も 私のように感じている人が何百万人もいます

They can detect one pheromone molecule in millions. Zigzagging flight helps him pinpoint her position.

‎たった1つの ‎フェロモン分子を感知できる ‎ジグザグに飛んで ‎位置を特定する

Over millions of years, the moon and tides have shaped the lives of marine creatures.

‎数百万年をかけて‎― ‎月と潮の干満が海洋生物の ‎暮らしを形作った

Former Emperor as ‘a man who, having sacrificed  millions of victims to his cruel ambitions,  

前皇帝を「彼の残酷な野心のために何百万もの犠牲者を犠牲にした男 は、兵士のように死ぬ方法を知らなかった

The death of one man is a tragedy, the death of millions is a statistic.


Millions of people all over the world knew about Rev. Martin Luther King and his beliefs.


While thousands of women had entered the workforce, replacing the men sent to fight in their millions.

戦場に送られた数百万人の男性に代わり 女性が労働力となった

Millions of people can see more games than when they have to attend each one in person.


In the case of the painkiller Vioxx, a massive ad campaign led millions of people with arthritis

痛み止めのヴァイオックスの場合、 大量の広告によって人々を関節痛にさせました

Today, through radio and television, mass advertising can reach millions of people at a time with its messages.


This animal has spent millions of years learning to be impossible to find. I had to learn what octopus tracks looked like.

‎探すのは 何百年もかけて ‎身を隠す技を磨いた生き物だ ‎どれがタコの這い跡だろう

For millions of children around the world, the meal they get at school is the only meal they get in a day.

- 世界中の何百万人もの子供たちにとって、学校で食べる食事が彼らの一日の唯一の食事です。
- 世界中の数百万の子供にとって、学校給食はその日唯一の食事です。

The most important Shinto event takes place in the New Year, when millions of people visit shrines to pray for happiness and a healthy year.


She's a lot like the millions of others who stood in line to make their voice heard in this election except for one thing: Ann Nixon Cooper is 106 years old.


So that Michelangelo might paint certain figures on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, so that Shakespeare might write certain speeches and Keats his poems, it seemed to me worthwhile that countless millions should have lived and suffered and died.


It drew strength from the not-so-young people who braved the bitter cold and scorching heat to knock on doors of perfect strangers, and from the millions of Americans who volunteered and organized and proved that more than two centuries later a government of the people, by the people, and for the people has not perished from the Earth.

- 焼けるような暑さ、ひどい寒さに耐えまったく見知らぬ人にドアをノックししたそれほど若くない人から、自発的に組織され、「人民の、人民による、人民のため政治」が決して地球上に消え去ってないことを二世紀以上後に証明した何百万人ものアメリカ人からの強さを描いた。
- あるいはそれほど若くない人たちから。凍てつく寒さと焼け付く暑さにもひるまず、家から家へと赤の他人のドアをノックしてくれた人たちから力を得ました。ボランティアとなって組織を作って活動した、何百万人というアメリカ人から力を得ました。建国から200年以上たった今でも、人民の人民による人民のための政府はこの地上から消え去ってはいないのだと証明してくれた、そういう人たちから力を得たのです。

This election had many firsts and many stories that will be told for generations. But one that's on my mind tonight is about a woman who cast her ballot in Atlanta. She's a lot like the millions of others who stood in line to make their voice heard in this election, except for one thing: Ann Nixon Cooper is 106 years old.
