Translation of "Massive" in Japanese

0.010 sec.

Examples of using "Massive" in a sentence and their japanese translations:

Creating a massive force multiplier.


Wow, a massive drop-off here.


Wow, a massive drop-off here!


Under great contestation with massive resources,

議論を呼びながらも 莫大な資源を使って建設していますが

A massive number of food photos,

大量の食べ物の写真を 見せたとしましょう

The general's massive presence awes everyone.


In order to feed this massive population,

このとてつもない人口に 食料を供給するためには

A fragile wrapping around a massive ball.


We came up against massive popular resistance.


The bad harvest caused massive food shortages.


Over time, their excavations leave these massive pits.

採掘して 巨大なくぼみが出来た

The massive flood paralyzed the local transportation network.


A massive flood paralyzed the local transportation network.


There was a massive earthquake here in 2010.


- This is the most massive structure I have ever seen.
- This is the most massive structure I've ever seen.


It was this massive, extraordinary, in-your-face campaign

この大規模で並外れた これでもかというキャンペーンによって

This ugly structure was a massive barrier to freedom

この見苦しい建造物が 自由への巨大な壁となり

What if we tried coaching at a massive scale?"


Massive amounts of carbon dioxide are generated every day.


Make even the slightest dent in such a massive problem?

どうやったらこの世界の大問題の解決に 少しでも寄与できるのでしょうか?

First, use a massive amount of big data in various fields.

1つは非常に多くのデータをマッシブに 色んなところに使うということですね

Is how we overcome such a massive problem in due time.

巨大な問題を 手遅れにならないうちに解決するのです

A massive earthquake of magnitude 8.8 hit the Japanese islands today.


When the Austrian commander, Archduke Charles, launched a massive and unexpected counterattack,


Yet it is massive and has vastly improved the lives of its citizens.

でもそれは大規模で 市民生活を大幅に改善してもいるのです

Now, the computer was guiding them towards a massive, football stadium sized crater,

しまいまし た。 今、コンピューターは 、車サイズの岩のフィールドに囲まれた

But there was still the problem of landing such a massive spacecraft on the Moon’s


In Poland and the Baltic, the Russian army has suffered a string of massive defeats,

ロシア軍はポーランドとバルト地域で 大敗北を喫したが

By the time I had 100 drum videos, I already had a massive online following,

100本のドラムビデオができた時には 大勢のオンラインファンがいて

But it could take a long time to search this massive desert terrain for a scorpion.

でもこの巨大な砂漠で サソリを探し出すのは 大変だ

But it could take a long time to search this massive desert terrain for a scorpion.

でもこの巨大な砂漠で サソリを探し出すのは 大変だ

What do you think Russia's trying to achieve in the Arctic with that massive military buildup?

ロシアは巨大な強化を利用して、 北極で何を得ようとしていると思われますか?

In the case of the painkiller Vioxx, a massive ad campaign led millions of people with arthritis

痛み止めのヴァイオックスの場合、 大量の広告によって人々を関節痛にさせました

This inefficiency is a result of the animal's large body and massive legs and feet, which contribute a sideways motion to its walk.


In a fight against speculators who are dumping the U.S. currency, central banks of major countries have carried out massive concerted interventions in the market.
