Translation of "Immediately" in German

0.013 sec.

Examples of using "Immediately" in a sentence and their german translations:

- Leave immediately!
- Leave immediately.

- Raus!
- Gehen Sie sofort!
- Gehe sofort!
- Geht sofort!



- Tom answered immediately.
- Tom responded immediately.

Tom antwortete sofort.

Come immediately.

Komm sofort.

Leave immediately!

- Geh sofort hinaus!
- Gehen Sie sofort hinaus!

Stop immediately.

Halten Sie sofort an!

- Tom was immediately concerned.
- Tom was immediately worried.

Tom machte sich sofort Sorgen.

- I recognised him immediately.
- I recognized him immediately.

Ich habe ihn sofort erkannt.

- Mary liked it immediately.
- Mary liked them immediately.

- Maria mochte es sofort.
- Maria mochte es auf der Stelle.
- Maria mochte ihn auf der Stelle.
- Maria mochte sie auf der Stelle.

- It can't happen immediately.
- It cannot happen immediately.

Das kann nicht sofort geschehen.

Investigation opened immediately

Die Untersuchung wurde sofort eröffnet

He left immediately.

- Er ging sofort.
- Er ging sofort weg.

I apologized immediately.

- Ich entschuldigte mich umgehend.
- Ich habe mich sofort entschuldigt.
- Ich bat umgehend um Entschuldigung.

Tom reacted immediately.

Tom hat sofort reagiert.

Tom returned immediately.

Tom kehrte sofort zurück.

Call 110 immediately.

- Rufen Sie sofort bei der 110 an.
- Ruf sofort die 110.

Tom understood immediately.

- Tom verstand sofort.
- Tom verstand auf Anhieb.

Stop that immediately.

- Hör sofort damit auf!
- Hört sofort damit auf!

Tom left immediately.

Tom ging sofort.

We'll begin immediately.

Wir fangen sofort an.

Tom responded immediately.

Tom antwortete sofort.

I'll leave immediately.

Ich werde sofort gehen.

Bring tea immediately!

Bringen Sie sofort Tee!

They attacked immediately.

Sie griffen sofort an.

He returned immediately.

Er kehrte sofort zurück.

Do it immediately.

Mach’s sofort!

- No sooner said than done.
- Immediately said, immediately done.

- Gesagt, getan!
- Gesagt, getan.

- Tom responded instantly.
- Tom answered immediately.
- Tom responded immediately.
- Tom immediately answered.
- Tom answered right away.

Tom antwortete sofort.

- Tom immediately recognized Mary's voice.
- Tom recognized Mary's voice immediately.

Tom erkannte sofort Marias Stimme.

We find it immediately

wir finden es sofort

They immediately took action

Sie haben sofort Maßnahmen ergriffen

They snap together immediately

sie schnappen sofort zusammen

The doctor came immediately.

- Der Doktor kam sofort.
- Die Ärztin kam sofort.

Yes, I'm coming immediately.

Ja, ich komme sofort.

He fell asleep immediately.

Er schlief sofort ein.

An ambulance arrived immediately.

- Es kam sofort ein Krankenwagen.
- Es ist sofort ein Krankenwagen gekommen.

I'll call her immediately.

Ich werde sie sofort anrufen.

Call a doctor immediately.

Ruf sofort einen Arzt.

You must start immediately.

Du musst sofort anfangen.

She identified him immediately.

Sie hat ihn sofort identifiziert.

Tom was immediately worried.

Tom machte sich sofort Sorgen.

We must start immediately.

- Wir müssen sofort anfangen.
- Wir müssen augenblicklich beginnen.
- Wir müssen unverzüglich beginnen.

We should operate immediately.

Wir sollten sofort operieren.

Leave my room immediately.

- Verlassen Sie sofort mein Zimmer!
- Verlasse sofort mein Zimmer!
- Verlasst sofort mein Zimmer!
- Raus aus meinem Zimmer! Sofort!

Tom immediately recognized me.

Tom hat mich sofort erkannt.

Tom immediately called 911.

Tom wählte sofort die 911.

I said yes immediately.

Ich habe sofort ja gesagt.

I immediately started crying.

Ich fing sofort an zu weinen.

I spotted Tom immediately.

Ich habe Tom sofort entdeckt.

We must leave immediately.

Wir müssen sofort aufbrechen.

- Get out!
- Leave immediately.


Tom liked it immediately.

Tom mochte es sofort.

Bring Tom here immediately.

- Hol sofort Tom hierher!
- Holt sofort Tom hierher!
- Holen Sie sofort Tom hierher!

Tom immediately felt threatened.

Tom fühlte sich sofort bedroht.

I immediately ran downstairs.

- Ich bin sofort nach unten gerannt.
- Ich bin sofort nach unten gelaufen.

Leave this floor immediately.

Verlassen Sie sofort dieses Stockwerk!

I immediately dialed 911.

Tom wählte sofort die 112.

Tom started crying immediately.

Tom fing sofort an zu weinen.

I immediately felt better.

Es ging mir sofort besser.

- You need to go there immediately.
- You must go there immediately.

Es ist notwendig, dass du dich sofort dorthin begibst.

- The parent immediately came back home.
- The father immediately came back home.

Der Vater kehrte sofort nach Hause zurück.

- I fell for him immediately.
- I fell in love with him immediately.

Ich habe mich sofort in ihn verliebt.

- I fell for her immediately.
- I fell in love with her immediately.

Ich habe mich sofort in sie verliebt.

- I put my shoes on immediately.
- I put on my shoes immediately.

Ich habe meine Schuhe sofort angezogen.

He will call 112 immediately

Er wird sofort 112 anrufen

They want to check immediately

Ob ihre Bienen davon auch betroffen sind,

Get out of here immediately!

Sofort raus hier!

We must help him immediately.

Wir müssen ihm helfen, und zwar sofort.

The law was enforced immediately.

Dem Gesetz wurde sofort Geltung verschafft.

He immediately sought a response.

Er suchte sofort eine Antwort.