Translation of "Spears" in French

0.019 sec.

Examples of using "Spears" in a sentence and their french translations:

Where is Britney Spears?

Où est Britney Spears ?

They threw spears at us.

Ils nous ont jeté des lances.

I'm a fan of Britney Spears.

Je suis fan de Britney Spears.

Riders impaled on spears and struck down from their horses,

Les cavaliers empalés sur des lances et frappés de leurs chevaux,

Pressed by the enemy, the soldiers were unable to throw their spears.

Pressés par l'ennemi, les soldats n'ont pas pu jeter leurs lances.

They arrayed 15 to 20 ranks deep, forming an impenetrable wall of spears.

Ils disposaient de 15 à 20 rangs de profondeur, formant un mur de lances impénétrable.

His ships he hides within a sheltering cove, / screened by the caverned rock, and shadowed by the grove, / then wielding in his hand two broad-tipt spears, / alone with brave Achates forth he strayed.

À l'abri des rochers, et sous de noirs ombrages, / il laisse ses vaisseaux ; et, deux traits à la main, / suivi du seul Achate, il se fraie un chemin.

Soon as he saw the captured city fall, / the palace-gates burst open, and the foe / dealing wild riot in his inmost hall, / up sprang the old man and, at danger's call, / braced o'er his trembling shoulders in a breath / his rusty armour, took his belt withal, / and drew the useless falchion from its sheath, / and on their thronging spears rushed forth to meet his death.

Voyant les Grecs vainqueurs au sein de ses remparts, / son antique palais forcé de toutes parts, / l'ennemi sous ses yeux, d'une armure impuissante / ce vieillard charge en vain son épaule tremblante, / prend un glaive à son bras dès longtemps étranger, / et s'apprête à mourir plutôt qu'à se venger.

- Then fury spurred their courage, and behold, / As ravening wolves, when darkness hides the day, / Stung with mad fire of famine uncontrolled, / Prowl from their dens, and leave the whelps to stay, / With jaws athirst and gaping for the prey. / So to sure death, amid the darkness there, / Where swords, and spears, and foemen bar the way, / Into the centre of the town we fare. / Night with her shadowy cone broods o'er the vaulted air.
- Then, like wolves ravening in a black fog, whom mad malice of hunger hath driven blindly forth, and their cubs left behind await with throats unslaked; through the weapons of the enemy we march to certain death, and hold our way straight into the town. Night's sheltering shadow flutters dark around us.

Ce peu de mots à peine a redoublé leur rage ; / soudain, tels que dans l'ombre, avides de ravage, / court de loups dévorants un affreux bataillon, / qu'irrite de la faim le pressant aiguillon, / et que les fruits affreux de leur amour sauvage / attendent dans la nuit, altérés de carnage ; / au centre de la ville, au plus fort des combats, / nous volons à la gloire, ou plutôt au trépas. / Sur nous la nuit étend ses ailes ténébreuses.