Translation of "Meritocracy" in French

0.003 sec.

Examples of using "Meritocracy" in a sentence and their french translations:

Our meritocracy, because it's based on competition,

Notre méritocratie, basée sur la compétition,

The third lie is the lie of the meritocracy.

La méritocratie est le troisième mensonge.

Products of a military meritocracy,  forged in the French Revolution…

Products of a military meritocracy, forged in the French Revolution…

Is because I'm exploring this question is meritocracy a myth?

c'est pour qu'on se demande : la méritocratie est-elle un mythe ?

The concept of a meritocracy goes back centuries.

Le concept de méritocratie remonte à des siècles.

And clearly meritocracy to some extent has worked for us

et la méritocratie a marché pour nous, dans une certaine mesure,

The message of the meritocracy is you are what you accomplish.

L'idée de la méritocratie est vous êtes votre accomplissement.

Fabiola: It is clear that meritocracy is a myth.

Il est clair que la méritocratie est un mythe.

But at the same time, meritocracy has kept a lot of people back.

mais la méritocratie écarte beaucoup de personnes noires.