Translation of "Rising" in Finnish

0.003 sec.

Examples of using "Rising" in a sentence and their finnish translations:

The sun is rising.

Aurinko nousee.

The water is rising.

Vesi nousee.

Prices have been rising.

- Hinnat ovat nousseet.
- Hinnat on noussu.

And rising up against adversity,

ja nousten vastoinkäymisiä vastaan,

The sea level is rising.

Merenpinta nousee.

Smoke is rising from the chimney.

Savu nousee savupiipusta.

She is accustomed to rising early.

Hän on tottunut nousemaan aikaisin.

The cost of living is rising.

- Elinkustannukset nousevat.
- Ne elinkustannukset nousevat.

We are seeing rising carbon dioxide levels,

Näemme hiilidioksisitasojen nousevan

- The temperature is rising.
- The temperature is going up.

- Sää lämpenee.
- Ilman lämpötila nousee.

Bank lending is rising because of lower interest rates.

Pankkien luontonanto lisääntyy, koska korot laskivat.

- She is accustomed to rising early.
- She's accustomed to getting up early.

Hän on tottunut nousemaan aikaisin.

The crescent moon still shone as the sun was rising over the skyline in the east.

Puolikuu loisti edelleen auringon jo noustessa taivaankannen yli idässä.

Helped by the new moon's tidal surge, many thousands of her kind are rising to the surface.

Uudenkuun tulvavuoksen auttamana - niitä nousee pintaan tuhansittain.

Melting ice is not the only cause of rising sea level. As the ocean gets warmer, the water expands.

Jään sulaminen ei ole ainoa asia, joka aiheuttaa merenpinnan nousua. Kun valtameri lämpenee, vesi laajenee.