Translation of "Fright" in Finnish

0.011 sec.

Examples of using "Fright" in a sentence and their finnish translations:

- He turned pale with fear.
- He turned pale with fright.

Hän kalpeni kauhusta.

And then it turns and rushes, and it's got a huge fright.

Se kääntyi ja pakeni peloissaan.

And that's when she left the den and got a real fright...

Se häipyi pesästä ja pelästyi kunnolla.

I had stage fright at first, but I got over it quickly.

Alussa minulla oli ramppikuume, mutta se meni pian ohi.

Tom couldn't understand Mary's nervousness before the act before he himself got stage fright.

Tom ei voinut ymmärtää Marin esiintymisjännitystä ennen kuin joutui itse ramppikuumeen kouriin.