Translation of "Albanian" in Dutch

0.003 sec.

Examples of using "Albanian" in a sentence and their dutch translations:

- I am learning Albanian.
- I'm learning Albanian.

Ik leer Albanees.

Do you speak Albanian?

- Spreek je Albanees?
- Spreekt u Albanees?
- Spreken jullie Albanees?

I want to learn Albanian.

Ik wil Albanees leren.

Tom wants to learn Albanian.

Tom wil Albanees leren.

Layla wants to learn Albanian.

Layla wil Albanees leren.

Albania is called "Shqipëria" in Albanian.

Albanië wordt "Shqipëria" genoemd in het Albanees.

That winter the remnants of the Serbian Army escape through the Albanian mountains. Their

Die winter de overblijfselen van het Servische leger ontsnappen door de Albanese bergen. Hun