Translation of "Layla" in Dutch

0.010 sec.

Examples of using "Layla" in a sentence and their dutch translations:

- Layla was yelling.
- Layla was screaming.

- Layla schreeuwde.
- Layla gilde.

Layla coughed.

Layla hoestte.

- Layla wears the hijab.
- Layla is wearing hijab.

Layla draagt een hijaab.

Layla was yelling.

Layla schreeuwde.

Layla returned home.

- Layla kwam terug thuis.
- Layle ging terug naar huis.

Layla wondered why.

Layla vroeg zich af waarom.

Layla committed suicide.

Layla pleegde zelfmoord.

Layla was bleeding.

- Layla was aan het bloeden.
- Layla bloedde.

Layla protected Sami.

Layla beschermde Sami.

Layla is different.

Layla is anders.

Layla was praying.

Layla bad.

Sami confronted Layla.

Sami confronteerde Layla.

Layla had AIDS.

Layla had aids.

Sami protected Layla.

Sami beschermde Layla.

Sami saw Layla.

Sami zag Layla.

- Sami and Layla are Muslims.
- Sami and Layla are Muslim.

Sami en Layla zijn moslims.

- Layla paid for the taxi.
- Layla payed for the taxi.

Leyla betaalde voor de taxi.

Layla has been murdered.

Layla is vermoord.

Layla drank a milkshake.

Layla dronk een milkshake.

Layla brought the cash.

Layla bracht het geld.

Layla needed Sami's help.

Layla had Sami’s hulp nodig.

Layla found her soulmate.

Leyla heeft haar soulmate gevonden.

Layla rode Sami's camel.

Layla reed op Sami's kameel.

Was Layla your girlfriend?

Was Layla jouw vriendin?

Layla loves anything romantic.

Layla houdt van romantische dingen.

Sami is protecting Layla.

Sami beschermt Layla.

Layla is a bitch.

Layla is een trut.

Layla is a lesbian.

Layla is een lesbienne.

Sami knows Layla personally.

Sami kent Layla persoonlijk.

Layla was a lesbian.

Layla was een lesbienne.

Layla loves Disney princesses.

Layla houdt van Disneyprinsessen.

Layla wore rainbow socks.

Layla droeg regenboogsokken.

Layla was so blonde.

Layla was zo blond.

Layla called her boyfriend.

Layla belde haar vriend.

Layla had a boyfriend.

Layla had een vriend.

Layla wore a hijab.

Layla droeg een hijaab.

Layla lives in Yemen.

Layla woont in Jemen.

- Sami follows Layla on Instagram.
- Sami is following Layla on Instagram.

Sami volgt Layla op Instagram.

Layla was a transgender woman.

Layla was een transgender vrouw.

Layla had a strawberry milkshake.

Layla had een aardbeienmilkshake.

Layla is a good actress.

Layla is een goede actrice.

Layla was an unfit mother.

Layla was een ongeschikte moeder.

Layla paid for the taxi.

Leyla betaalde voor de taxi.

Layla was always helping Sami.

Layla hielp Sami altijd.

Sami wanted to rape Layla.

Sami wilde Layla verkrachten.

Layla thought Sami was gay.

Layla dacht dat Sami gay was.

Layla and me were arguing.

Layla en ik waren aan het ruziemaken.

Layla wasn't hit by gunfire.

- Layla werd niet door het geweervuur getroffen.
- Layla werd niet geschoten.

Layla had two German shepherds.

Layla had twee Duitse herders.

Layla had no socks on.

Layla had geen sokken aan.

Layla couldn't ride a camel.

Layla kon geen kameel berijden.

Layla knew everything about camels.

Layla wist alles van kamelen.

Layla was afraid of camels.

Layla was bang voor kamelen.

Layla had a lesbian affair.

Layla had een lesbische affaire.

Sami gave Layla a compliment.

Sami gaf Layla een compliment.

Sami could have protected Layla.

Sami had Layla kunnen verdedigen.

Sami taught Layla about Islam.

Sami leerde Layla over de islam.

Sami thought Layla was Muslim.

Sami dacht dat Layla moslim was.

Sami brought Layla to court.

Sami bracht Layla naar de rechtbank.

Sami kept sending Layla money.

Sami bleef Layla geld sturen.

Sami blocked Layla on Facebook.

Sami blokkeerde Layla op Facebook.

Sami followed Layla on Instagram.

Sami volgde Layla op Instagram.

Sami gave Layla his dictionary.

Sami gaf Layla zijn woordenboek.

Layla was a great poetress.

Layla was een geweldige dichteres.

Sami and Layla were vegans.

Sami en Layla waren veganisten.

Layla was a bisexual woman.

Layla was een biseksuele vrouw.

Layla was very boy-crazy.

- Layla was erg gek op jongens.
- Layla was stapel op jongens.

Layla was a drama queen.

- Layla was een aansteller.
- Layla was een drama queen.

Layla wants pink gel nails.

Layla wil roze gelnagels.

Sami unfollowed Layla on Snapchat.

Sami ontvolgde Layla op Snapchat.

Sami wants to impress Layla.

- Sami wil Layla imponeren.
- Sami wil indruk maken op Layla.

Layla dated a drug addict.

Layla ging met een drugsverslaafde uit.

Sami added Layla on Snapchat.

Sami voegde Layla toe op Snapchat.

Sami and Layla are fighting.

- Sami en Layla vechten.
- Sami en Layla zijn aan het vechten.

Layla is a hijab stylist.

Layla is een hijaab-styliste.

Layla didn't wear the hijab.

Layla droeg de hijaab niet.

Sami and Layla are fasting.

Sami en Layla zijn aan het vasten.

Sami and Layla got suspended.

Sami en Layla werden geschorst.

Layla grew up with boys.

Layla is opgegroeid met jongens.

Layla wore a purple hijab.

Layla droeg een paarse hijaab.

Layla took off her hijab.

Layla deed haar hijaab af.

Sami and Layla prayed together.

Sami en Layla baden samen.

Sami and Layla pray together.

Sami en Layla bidden samen.

Layla wants to learn Albanian.

Layla wil Albanees leren.

Sami's parents absolutely hated Layla.

De ouders van Sami hebben Layla absoluut gehaat.

- Sami and Layla were passing the park.
- Sami and Layla passed the park.

Sami en Layla kwamen langs het park.

Layla found out about Sami's bisexuality.

Layla kwam te weten over Sami's biseksualiteit.

Layla was lying on the bed.

Layla lag op het bed.

Layla was stung by a jellyfish.

Layla werd gestoken door een kwal.

Layla doesn't know everything about Sami.

Layla weet niet alles over Sami.

Layla had a large butcher knife.

Layla had een groot slagersmes.

Layla survived the ice-cold night.

Layla overleefde de ijskoude nacht.

Layla was bitten by a camel.

Layla werd gebeten door een kameel.