Translation of "عجيبة" in English

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Examples of using "عجيبة" in a sentence and their english translations:

اكتشافات عجيبة.

Amazing discoveries.

اعتبرتهم كأشياء عجيبة.

has regarded them as objects of wonder.

ونرتدي ملابس عجيبة أيضاً.

and wear interesting costumes.

إنها عجيبة في ذاتها.

It's a wonder in itself.

‫الحيوانات عجيبة جدًا وغريبة.‬

The animals are extremely exotic and strange.

هو يتكلم بسرعةٍ عجيبة.

He speaks incredibly fast.

وهي صغيرة جداً، عجيبة جداً،

it's very small, it's very weird,