Translation of "Metresi" in English

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Examples of using "Metresi" in a sentence and their english translations:

Sami, metresi Leyla'dan ayrıldı.

Sami pulled away from his mistress, Layla.

Sami'nin bir metresi var.

Sami has a mistress.

Aramızda kalsın, onun bir metresi var.

Between ourselves, he keeps a mistress.

O kırmızı ipeklinin metresi ne kadar?

How much does a meter of that red silk cost?

Bu ipin bir metresi 200 yen.

This rope is 200 yen a meter.

Sami metresi Leyla Bekir ile evlendi.

Sami married his mistress, Layla Bakir.

Bu malzemenin dört metresi dokuz franka mal oluyor; Bu nedenle, iki metresi dört buçuk frank mal olur.

Four metres of this material cost nine francs; therefore, two metres cost four and a half francs.