Translation of "Llorar" in English

0.012 sec.

Examples of using "Llorar" in a sentence and their english translations:

- Lo hicimos llorar.
- La hicimos llorar.

- We made him cry.
- We have made him cry.

- Lo hice llorar.
- Le hice llorar.

I made him cry.

- Rompí a llorar.
- Empecé a llorar.

- I started to cry.
- I began to cry.
- I started crying.

- Tengo ganas de llorar.
- Quiero llorar.

- I want to cry.
- I want to cry!

- Está bien llorar.
- Llorar es normal.

- It's okay to cry.
- It's OK to cry.
- Crying is normal.

- Ella rompió a llorar.
- Empezó a llorar.
- Ella se puso a llorar.
- Ella empezó a llorar.

- She began crying.
- She started to cry.

¿Puedo llorar?

Can I cry?

Quise llorar.

I wanted to cry.

Quiero llorar.

- I want to cry.
- I want to cry!

- Rompí a llorar.
- Me eché a llorar.

- I burst into tears.
- I started to cry.
- I began to cry.

- Ya basta de llorar.
- Para de llorar.

Now stop crying.

- Él la hizo llorar.
- Le hizo llorar.

He made her cry.

- Me hizo llorar.
- Él me hizo llorar.

He made me cry.

- Empezó a llorar.
- Él rompió a llorar.
- Él se puso a llorar.

He began to cry.

- Empezó a llorar.
- Ella se puso a llorar.
- Ella empezó a llorar.

- She began crying.
- She started to cry.
- She started crying.

- Tom paró de llorar.
- Tom dejó de llorar.
- Tom ha dejado de llorar.

Tom stopped crying.

Había que llorar. Y llorar me hizo bien.

I had to cry. And crying helped me.

- Empezó a llorar.
- Él se puso a llorar.

- He burst into tears.
- He began to cry.
- He started to cry.

- Deja ya de llorar.
- Ya deja de llorar.

Stop crying already.

Empezamos a llorar

We started crying

Yo quería llorar.

I wanted to cry.

Le hicimos llorar.

We made him cry.

Empezaste a llorar.

You began to cry.

Empecé a llorar.

I began to cry.

Intenta no llorar.

Try not to cry.

Solo quiero llorar.

I just want to cry.

La hice llorar.

I made her cry.

¿Vas a llorar?

Are you going to cry?

Lo hicimos llorar.

We have made him cry.

Empezó a llorar.

- She began crying.
- She started to cry.
- She started crying.

Le hizo llorar.

He made her cry.

Te vi llorar.

I saw you crying.

Me haces llorar.

You make me want to cry.

Le vi llorar.

- I saw him cry.
- I saw him crying.

La vi llorar.

I saw her crying.

Tom quería llorar.

Tom wanted to cry.

No quiero llorar.

I don't want to cry.

Está bien llorar.

It's OK to cry.

Voy a llorar.

I'm going to cry.

Solía llorar mucho.

I used to cry a lot.

Le oyó llorar.

She heard him cry.

Deja de llorar.

Stop crying.

Llorar es normal.

Crying is normal.

Dejé de llorar.

I stopped crying.

- Él rompió a llorar.
- Él se puso a llorar.

- He began to cry.
- He started to cry.

Ella empezó a llorar y empecé a llorar también.

She started crying and I started crying too.

- Llorar no sirve de nada.
- Llorar no va a ayudar.

Crying is of no avail.

- Tengo ganas de llorar.
- Me están entrando ganas de llorar.

I feel like crying.

- Si tienes ganas de llorar, llora.
- Si querés llorar, llorá.

If you want to cry, cry.

- ¡No te atrevas a llorar!
- ¡Ni se te ocurra llorar!

Don't you dare cry!

- Hoy me había propuesto no llorar.
- Hoy no quería llorar.

I tried not to cry today.

- El bebé dejó de llorar.
- El bebe dejó de llorar.

- The baby stopped crying.
- The baby ceased crying.
- The baby has stopped crying.

No quería hacerte llorar.

Didn't mean to make you cry

Tengo que llorar, pienso.

I have to cry, I think.

Y empezamos a llorar.

and we start crying.

Ella rompió a llorar.

- She broke into tears.
- She burst into tears.

Trata de no llorar.

Try to keep from crying.

No puedo evitar llorar.

I can't help crying.

Tengo ganas de llorar.

- I feel like crying.
- I want to cry.

Tom empezó a llorar.

Tom started crying.

Tom rompió a llorar.

Tom burst into tears.

Lamento haberte hecho llorar.

I'm sorry for making you cry.

Ella lo hizo llorar.

- She made him cry.
- She made them cry.

Le han hecho llorar.

- She was brought to tears.
- He was brought to tears.

No pudimos evitar llorar.

We couldn't help weeping.

Tenía ganas de llorar.

I felt like crying.

Él rompió a llorar.

He burst into tears.

Él la hizo llorar.

He made her cry.

Hiciste llorar a Tom.

You made Tom cry.

Siento ganas de llorar.

Tears came to my eyes.

Ahora deja de llorar.

Now stop crying.

Vi a Tom llorar.

- I saw Tom crying.
- I saw Tom cry.

Ella me hizo llorar.

She made me cry.

No me hagas llorar.

Don't make me cry.