Translation of "Broma" in English

0.007 sec.

Examples of using "Broma" in a sentence and their english translations:

- ¿Es una broma?
- ¿Estás de broma?

- Is this a joke?
- Is it a joke?
- Is that a joke?

- Fue una broma.
- Era una broma.

It was a joke.

¡Que broma!

What a joke!

- Esta es una broma.
- Es una broma.

- That's a joke.
- This is a joke.
- It's a joke.
- It is a joke.

- Sólo era una broma.
- Sólo fue una broma.
- Solo era una broma.

- It was just a joke.
- It was nothing but a joke.
- It was only a joke.
- It was just a joke!

- Es simplemente una broma.
- Es sólo una broma.
- Solo es una broma.

- It's merely a joke.
- It's nothing but a kind of joke.

- Es simplemente una broma.
- Es sólo una broma.

It's merely a joke.

Es una broma.

It’s a joke.

¡Estás de broma!

- You must be kidding!
- You're kidding!

¿Es una broma?

Is this a joke?

No es broma.

I kid you not.

Están de broma.

They're joking.

- Esto no es una broma.
- Esto no es broma.

- This isn't a joke.
- This is not a joke.

- Esta no era una broma.
- No era una broma.

This was not a joke.

- No era más que una broma.
- Sólo era una broma.

It was nothing but a joke.

- Él no entendió su broma.
- Él no entendió la broma.

He didn't get her joke.

- ¿Crees que estoy de broma?
- ¿Piensas que estoy de broma?

Do you think I'm kidding?

Entenderán mejor esa broma.

you'll understand that joke better.

Lo dije de broma.

I said so by way of a joke.

No es una broma.

- This is no joke.
- This isn't a joke.
- This is not a joke.

Sólo era una broma.

- It was just a joke.
- It was nothing but a joke.
- It was only a joke.
- That was just a joke.

Es sólo una broma.

It's merely a joke.

Solo es una broma.

It is nothing but a joke.

No es ninguna broma.

- It is no joke.
- It's no joke.
- It's not a joke.
- It isn't a joke.

¿Acaso es una broma?

Is this some kind of practical joke?

Sólo fue una broma.

I only meant it as a joke.

¿Eso iba como broma?

- Was that intended as a joke?
- Was that meant as a joke?

No entendí la broma.

- I didn't get the joke.
- I missed the point of the joke.

¿Es eso otra broma?

Is that another joke?

Lo dijo en broma.

He said it as a joke.

Es simplemente una broma.

- It's merely a joke.
- I'm just kidding.

No cogí su broma.

- I couldn't understand his joke.
- I didn't get his joke.

No entendí esta broma.

I didn't get the joke.

No entendí su broma.

- I couldn't understand his joke.
- I didn't get his joke.

Esto no es broma.

This isn't a joke.

Solo era una broma.

- It was just a joke.
- I was only kidding.
- I was just kidding.

Esta es una broma.

This is a joke.

Todo era una broma.

Everything was only a joke.

No entiendo su broma.

I couldn't understand his joke.

No cogí la broma.

I missed the point of the joke.

Es una broma privada.

- It's an inside joke.
- It's an in-joke.

"¡Esto debe ser una broma!"

"You gotta be kidding me!"

Pero no es ninguna broma.

But it's no joke.

¿Seguridad social? ¿Están de broma?

Social security? Who do they think they're kidding.

Su broma no surtió efecto.

Her joke fell flat.

Él no entendió su broma.

- He didn't get her joke.
- He did not understand her joke.

Su broma bordea el insulto.

His joke borders on insult.

Me reí de su broma.

I laughed at his joke.

¿Él, honesto? ¡Pero qué broma!

Him, honest? What a joke!

Esa broma no es graciosa.

That joke isn't funny.

Una broma es cosa seria.

A joke is a serious matter.

Esto no es ninguna broma.

This is no joke.

- ¿Estáis bromeando?
- ¿Estáis de broma?

- Are you kidding?
- Are you joking?

¿Por qué contaste esa broma?

Why did you tell this joke?

- ¿Era broma?
- ¿Era un chiste?

- Was that a joke?
- Was it a joke?

Pensé que era una broma.

- I thought it was a joke.
- I thought that it was a joke.

- ¿Estás bromeando?
- ¿Estás de broma?

- Are you kidding?
- Are you joking?

Siempre acaba diciendo "era broma".

- He always says, "only kidding!" at the end.
- He always says, "Just kidding!" at the end.

Lo he dicho como broma.

It was just a joke.