Translation of "Alzheimer" in English

0.008 sec.

Examples of using "Alzheimer" in a sentence and their english translations:

O incluso Alzheimer

or even Alzheimer's disease

Y retrasa el Alzheimer.

and it delays the onset of Alzheimer's disease.

Y posiblemente vinculado al Alzheimer.

and possibly Alzheimer's disease.

Y cuál era su correlación con el Alzheimer.

and what the correlation is with Alzheimer's.

Encontraron placas y ovillos asociados con el Alzheimer

there were tangles and plaques that are associated with Alzheimer's,

Con Alzheimer se triplicará con respecto a la actualidad.

with Alzheimer's disease will triple from what it is today.

E incluso la resistencia a desarrollar mal de Alzheimer.

or even a higher resistance to Alzheimer's disease.

Él dio un discurso sobre el mal de Alzheimer.

He gave a speech about Alzheimer's disease.

Abarcando desde el Alzheimer hasta la obesidad, la diabetes, etc.

Everything from Alzheimer's disease, to obesity, to diabetes, and in between.

Se protegen las neuronas de los ratones, contra Alzheimer o Parkinson?

are their neurons protected, in mice, of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease?

Viven en la zona de peligro de enfermedades como Alzheimer y Parkinson.

are living into the danger zone for Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases.

El Mal de Alzheimer afecta principalmente a personas mayores de 60 años.

Alzheimer's disease affects mainly people older than 60 years.

En el mieloma del Alzheimer y del Parkinson reduciendo el consumo de energía.

in the Alzheimer's and Parkinson's myel by reducing energy intake.

Tom falleció el pasado invierno después de una larga batalla contra el mal de Alzheimer.

Tom passed away last winter after a long battle with Alzheimer's disease.