Translation of "AÒos" in English

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Examples of using "AÒos" in a sentence and their english translations:

Dos aÒos. Yibuti eliminar· los controles aduaneros con China y establecer· un centro

in two years. Djibouti will eliminate customs controls with China, and will establish a transit

En una dictadura de partido ˙nico. Hasta los aÒos 90, el seÒor HASSAN GOULED APTIDON

in a dictatorship of single party. Until the 90's, Mr. Hassan Gouled Aptidon

Se hacÌa rico con los beneficios del puerto. Por aquellos aÒos, Yibuti era un ejemplo

became rich with the benefits of the port. Around these years, Djibouti was a book

SomalÌes °Y no sÛlo los estadounidenses! En sÛlo 10 aÒos, la lista de paÌses que

pirates. And not only americans! In only 10 years, the list of countries that

°No! °Para nada! Yibuti contin˙a con el mismo presidente que tenÌa hace 20 aÒos.

No! Nothing of that! Djibouti still having the same president since 20 years ago.

B·sicamente, tras varios aÒos de lucha y miles de bajas en ambos lados, el seÒor Aptidon

Basically, over some years of fight, and thousands of casualities in both sides, Mr. Aptidon

Y para colmo, en los aÒos 90, estallÛ una guerra civil entre el gobierno y las tribus

And to top it off, in the 90's, a civil war started between the goverment and the tribus