Translation of "¿entendido" in English

0.120 sec.

Examples of using "¿entendido" in a sentence and their english translations:


This tastes good.


- Got it?
- Understood?


- Eureka!
- Gotcha!

He entendido.

- I got it.
- I get the idea.
- I understood.

- ¿Entendiste?
- ¿Entendido?

Got it?

¿Lo has entendido?

- Got it?
- Do you get it?
- Did you get it?
- Understand?
- Get it?
- Got that?
- Understood?
- Did you understand?

¿Has entendido algo?

Have you understood anything at all?

- Pensé que me habías entendido.
- Pensaba que me habías entendido.

I thought you had understood me.

No lo he entendido.

I didn't follow that.

Lamento haberte entendido mal.

- I'm sorry I misunderstood you.
- I'm sorry that I misunderstood you.

Pensé que habías entendido.

- I thought you understood.
- I thought that you understood.

Lo habéis entendido mal.

You've misunderstood.

¿Lo habéis entendido ya?

Have you got it yet?

No lo has entendido.

You didn't understand it.

Debo haber entendido mal.

- I must have misunderstood.
- I must've misunderstood.

- ¿Has comprendido?
- ¿Has entendido?

Did you understand?

- Vale.
- Entendido.
- Lo pillo.

- Gotcha!
- Gotcha.

He entendido el rompecabezas.

I've figured out the puzzle.

He entendido casi todo.

- I understood almost everything.
- I mostly got it all.

- He comprendido.
- He entendido.

- I understand.
- I see.
- ic

¿Habéis entendido o no?

- You see?
- Do you understand or not?

¿Lo han entendido? Empecemos ya.

Got it? Then let's start right away.

No creo que hayan entendido.

I don't believe they understood.

Creo que lo he entendido.

- I think I understood.
- I think I've got it.
- I think I got it.

Parece ser un mal entendido.

It seems to be a misunderstanding.

- ¿Lo pillas?
- ¿Entendiste?
- ¿Has entendido?

- Got it?
- Did you get it?
- Did you understand?

¿Has entendido qué ha dicho?

Did you understand what he said?

Está entendido que empezaremos mañana.

It's understood that we'll start tomorrow.

- ¿Entendiste todo?
- ¿Has entendido todo?

- Have you understood everything?
- Did you understand everything?

No he entendido casi nada.

I've understood hardly anything.

Si lo sacudes, lo rompes, ¿entendido?

You shake it, and you break it, OK?

¿Cómo dices? No te he entendido.

Sorry. I beg your pardon?

¿Has entendido lo que quería decir?

- Did you understand what he meant?
- Did you understand what he wanted to say?

¿Has entendido lo que quiere decir?

Did you understand what he meant?

- No lo has entendido.
- No entendiste.

- You didn't understand.
- You didn't understand!

¿Has entendido lo que dijo él?

Did you understand what he said?

¡Como siempre, lo has entendido mal!

You as usual, are misunderstanding.

No has sido interrogado hoy, ¿entendido?

You weren't interrogated today, right?

¿Has entendido lo que ha dicho?

Did you understand what he said?

En realidad, nunca he entendido esto.

I've never really understood this.

Hasta ahora no he entendido nada.

I haven't understood anything so far.

Tom no ha entendido la pregunta.

Tom didn't understand the question.

Y extrañamente, lo hemos entendido al revés.

And weirdly, we've got it the wrong way around.

- ¡Entendí casi todo!
- He entendido casi todo.

I understood almost everything.

Profe, ¿puede repetirlo? No lo he entendido.

Teacher, could you please repeat that? I didn't understand.

No he entendido lo que has dicho.

I didn't understand what you said.

Perdone, no he entendido bien su nombre.

Excuse me, I didn't catch your name.

¿Has entendido lo que te ha dicho?

Do you understand what he's told you?

¡No le escuches, me ha entendido mal!

Don't listen to him, he misunderstood me!

Creo que no has entendido la pregunta.

I think you haven't understood the question.

La señora Lee dice que "vale, entendido".

- "Yes, all right," says Mrs. Lee.
- "Yes. I understand," says Mrs. Lee.

Él siempre ha entendido nuestros problemas de una.

He has always understood our problems right away.

Tom no ha entendido el chiste de María.

Tom didn't understand Mary's joke.

- No me di por entendido.
- Fingí no entender.

- I pretended I didn't understand.
- I pretended that I did not understand.

No es posible que te haya entendido ella.

It's not possible that she understood you.

- ¿Entendiste?
- ¿Has comprendido?
- ¿Has entendido?
- ¿Comprendiste?
- ¿Habéis comprendido?

- Is that clear?
- Got it?

- No he entendido nada.
- No he comprendido nada.

- I didn't understand anything.
- I understood nothing.

Parece que Tom todavía no lo ha entendido.

Tom still doesn't seem to understand.

Entendido, Mary. Estaremos allí en unos tres minutos.

Understood, Mary. We'll be there in about three minutes.

- ¿Has entendido qué ha dicho?
- ¿Has entendido lo que ha dicho?
- ¿Entendiste lo que dijo?
- ¿Entendiste lo que él dijo?

- Could you make out what he was saying?
- Did you understand what he said?

Así que no hemos entendido ni visto el desamor,

So we haven't really understood, we haven't seen heartbreak,

Si no puedo dibujarlo, aún no lo he entendido.

if I can't draw something, then I probably haven't understood it yet.

- Yo creo que comprendí.
- Creo que lo he entendido.

I think I understood.

Lo siento, no he entendido lo que has dicho.

I'm sorry. I didn't understand what you said.

Él parece no haber entendido de qué se trata.

He seems to have missed the point.

No he entendido nada de lo que ha dicho.

I could make nothing of what he said.

Tom dijo que pensaba que María lo había entendido.

Tom said that he thought Mary understood.

Tengo entendido que el museo está cerrado los lunes.

I understand the museum is closed on Mondays.

No he entendido nada de lo que has dicho.

- I haven't understood anything that you've said.
- I haven't understood anything you've said.

Que levanten las manos los que lo hayan entendido.

Those that understood, raise your hand.

No he entendido lo que ha dicho el profesor.

I didn't understand what the professor said.

Entendido, Mary. Estaremos allí en menos de tres minutos.

Understood, Mary. We'll be there in less than three minutes.

Lo tengo entendido que ustedes quieren vender su casa.

I understand that you want to sell your house.

No he entendido muy bien lo que él ha dicho.

I didn't quite make out what he said.