Translation of "Kocsid" in English

0.112 sec.

Examples of using "Kocsid" in a sentence and their english translations:

Van kocsid?

- Do you have a car?
- Have you got a car?

- Ég a kocsid.
- A kocsid lángokban áll.

- Your car's on fire.
- Your car is on fire.

Jó a kocsid.

That's a nice car you're driving.

Van kocsid, ugye?

You've got a car, right?

Hány kocsid van?

- How many cars do you have?
- How many cars do you own?

Hol a kocsid?

Where's your car?

Ez a kocsid.

That's your car.

- Van autód?
- Van kocsid?

- Do you have a car?
- Have you got a car?

Melyik a te kocsid?

Which one is your car?

Hány személyes a kocsid?

How many people can fit in your car?

Ez a te kocsid?

Does this car belong to you?!

Menj, hozd a kocsid!

Go get your car.

Ez itt a te kocsid?

Is this car yours?

Ez tényleg a te kocsid?

Is this really your car?

- Hány kocsid van?
- Hány autód van?

How many cars do you have?

- Tetszik a kocsid.
- Szeretem az autódat.

I like your car.

- Új az autód?
- Új a kocsid?

Is your car new?

Miért van még itt a kocsid?

Why is your car still here?

- Elvihetem a kocsid? - Szó sem lehet róla!

"Can I borrow your car?" "No fucking way."

- Van kocsid, ugye?
- Neked van autód, ugye?

You've got a car, right?

A kocsid gyors, de az enyém gyorsabb.

Your car is fast, but mine is faster.

A kocsid miért parkol a mi feljárónkon?

Why is your car parked in our driveway?

- Ez a te autód?
- Ez a te kocsid?

Is this your car?

- A te autód mellé parkoltam.
- A te kocsid mellé álltam.

I parked my car next to yours.