Translation of "Johnnal" in English

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Examples of using "Johnnal" in a sentence and their english translations:

- Hallottad, mi történt Johnnal?
- Hallottál arról, hogy mi történt Johnnal?
- Te hallottál arról, mi történt Johnnal?

Did you hear what happened to John?

- Hallottad, mi történt Johnnal?
- Hallottál arról, hogy mi történt Johnnal?

Did you hear what happened to John?

Rod Johnnal szemben lakik.

Rod lives across the street from John.

Johnnal régi barátok vagyunk.

John and I are old friends.

Hazafele menet, Mary találkozott Johnnal.

On her way home, Mary came across John.

Maryvel és Johnnal Londonban találkoztam.

I met Mary and John when in London.

Tom tudta, hogy Mary Johnnal volt.

- Tom knew Mary was with John.
- Tom knew that Mary was with John.

A tárgyalás után beszéltem Johnnal egy keveset.

I had a little chat with John after the meeting.

Tom mondta, hogy azt hitte, Mary Johnnal volt.

- Tom said he thought Mary was with John.
- Tom said that he thought Mary was with John.
- Tom said that he thought that Mary was with John.
- Tom said he thought that Mary was with John.

Tom tűnődött rajta, hogy elengedje-e Maryt Johnnal Bostonba.

Tom wondered whether he should let Mary go to Boston with John.

Tom megkérte Maryt, hogy menjen Bostonba Johnnal a jövő hétvégén.

Tom asked Mary to go to Boston with John next weekend.

Tom azt mondta, nem hitte el, hogy Mari tényleg azt tervezte, hogy elmegy bowlingozni Johnnal.

- Tom said that he didn't believe Mary really planned on going bowling with John.
- Tom said that he didn't believe that Mary really planned on going bowling with John.
- Tom said he didn't believe that Mary really planned on going bowling with John.