Translation of "Voulu parler" in English

0.004 sec.

Examples of using "Voulu parler" in a sentence and their english translations:

Tom n'a pas voulu parler.

Tom didn't want to talk.

Tom n'a voulu parler à personne.

Tom didn't want to talk to anyone.

Je n'ai pas voulu parler français.

I didn't want to speak French.

Tom n'a pas voulu parler de ça au téléphone.

Tom didn't want to talk about that over the phone.

Nous l'avons torturé, mais il n'a pas voulu parler.

We tortured him, but he didn't want to talk.

- Tom ne voulait parler à personne.
- Tom n'a voulu parler à personne.

- Tom didn't want to talk to anyone.
- Tom didn't want to talk to anybody.

- Je ne voulais pas parler français.
- Je n'ai pas voulu parler français.

I didn't want to speak French.

C'est pour cela que certains vétérans n'ont jamais voulu parler de la guerre.

That's why some veterans never wanted to talk about the war.