Translation of "Soudoyer" in English

0.003 sec.

Examples of using "Soudoyer" in a sentence and their english translations:

- Essayez-vous de me soudoyer ?
- Es-tu en train d'essayer de me soudoyer ?

Are you attempting to bribe me?

Tu ne peux pas soudoyer ce juge.

- You cannot buy that judge.
- You can't bribe that judge.
- You can't buy that judge.

C'était tout à fait en accord avec la loi d'être soudoyer jusqu'à ce montant.

It was absolutely fine with the law to be bribed up to that amount.

Mais comme le propriétaire à soudoyer les autorités locales, il a pu ouvrir son établissement

But since the owner had bribed the local authorities, he could open the club while breaking the