Translation of "Montra" in English

0.014 sec.

Examples of using "Montra" in a sentence and their english translations:

Elle lui montra la photo.

She showed him the photo.

Il lui montra un oiseau.

He showed him a bird.

Il nous montra quelques photos.

He showed us some pictures.

Tom me montra son jardin.

- Tom showed his garden to me.
- Tom showed me his garden.

- Il me montra comment confectionner un gâteau.
- Il me montra comment faire un gâteau.

He showed me how to make a cake.

Elle montra son bébé à l'invité.

She showed her baby to the guest.

Ce garçon ne montra aucune peur.

That boy showed no fear.

Elle me montra quelle robe porter.

She showed me which dress to wear.

Tom montra la caméra de sécurité.

Tom pointed at the security camera.

Ce garçon ne montra aucune crainte.

That boy displayed no fear.

Il nous montra un beau chapeau.

He showed us a beautiful hat.

Tom montra quelque chose à Mary.

Tom showed Mary something.

Tom montra ma photo à Mary.

Tom showed Mary my picture.

Tom montra son jardin à Mary.

Tom showed Mary his garden.

Tom montra un intérêt pour le plan.

Tom showed interest in the plan.

Elle lui montra plusieurs livres sur l'étagère.

She showed him several books that were on the shelf.

Elle leur montra comment attacher leur ceinture.

She showed them how to fasten their seat belts.

Elle montra son courage face au danger.

She showed her courage in the face of danger.

Le pompier montra comment éteindre le feu.

The fire fighter demonstrated how to put out the fire.

Il montra des signes de grande émotion.

He showed signs of great emotion.

Il me montra sa collection de timbres.

He showed me his collection of stamps.

Il montra sa désapprobation en levant un sourcil.

He showed his disapproval by raising an eyebrow.

On nous montra toutes leurs photos de famille.

We were shown all of their family photos.

- Elle me le montra.
- Elle me l'a montré.

She showed it to me.

- Il me le montra.
- Il me l'a montré.

He showed it to me.

Tom me montra une photo de sa copine.

Tom showed me a picture of his girlfriend.

Dan montra son insigne de police à Linda.

Dan showed his police badge to Linda.

Tom nous montra une photo de sa mère.

- Tom showed us a photo of his mother.
- Tom showed a photo of his mother to us.

Tom montra sa collection de timbres à Mary.

Tom showed Mary his stamp collection.

Mary montra à Alice sa bague de fiançailles.

Mary showed Alice her engagement ring.

Il nous montra la photo de sa mère.

He showed us his mother's picture.

Elle ne se montra pas polie à son endroit.

She wasn't polite to him.

Tom montra à Mary les photos de son bébé.

Tom showed Mary his baby pictures.

- Il m'a appris à faire un gâteau.
- Il me montra comment confectionner un gâteau.
- Il me montra comment faire un gâteau.

He showed me how to make a cake.

Il se montra un officier d'état-major talentueux et assidu.

He proved a talented and diligent staff officer.  

- Père l'introduisit dans le bureau.
- Père lui montra le bureau.

Father showed him into the study.

- Il nous montra quelques photos.
- Il nous a montré des photos.

He showed us some pictures.

- Elle lui a montré la photo.
- Elle lui montra la photo.

She showed him the photo.

- Il lui a montré son tatouage.
- Il lui montra son tatouage.

He showed her his tattoo.

Elle me montra les instantanés qu'elle avait pris pendant son voyage.

She showed me the snaps which she had taken during her journey.

Elle me montra les poèmes qu'elle écrivit en son jeune âge.

She showed me the poems that she had written in her youth.

Elle montra à ses invités comment manger ce qu'elle avait préparé.

She showed her guests how to eat what she had prepared.

- Sami pointa vers le cheval.
- Sami montra le cheval du doigt.

Sami pointed at the horse.

- Elle ne fut pas polie à son endroit.
- Elle ne se montra pas polie à son endroit.
- Elle ne se montra pas polie envers lui.

She wasn't polite to him.

Et Davout se montra bientôt un officier courageux, hautement organisé et énergique.

and Davout soon proved himself a brave,  highly-organised and energetic officer.

- Ce garçon ne montra aucune crainte.
- Ce garçon n'a montré aucune crainte.

That boy displayed no fear.

Le chien montra les crocs et grogna tandis que j'approchai du portail.

The dog bared its fangs and growled as I approached the gate.

- Elle m'a montré sa nouvelle voiture.
- Elle me montra sa nouvelle voiture.

She showed me her new car.

Le violeur ne montra aucun signe de remords, au cours du procès.

The rapist showed no signs of remorse during his trial.

Et alors montra, en éventail, les 1 000 petits papiers découpés et dit :

and then he showed the thousand pieces of paper in his hand and said -

Beth attendait avec impatience de le voir, mais il ne se montra jamais.

Beth was looking forward to meeting him, but he never showed up.

- Tom montra quelque chose à Mary.
- Tom a montré quelque chose à Mary.

Tom showed Mary something.

J'attendis mon ami durant une demi-heure, mais il ne se montra pas.

I waited half an hour for my friend, but he didn't turn up.

- Tom montra les cordes à Mary.
- Tom a montré les cordes à Mary.

Tom showed Mary the ropes.

- Il m'a montré sa photo en secret.
- Il me montra sa photo en cachette.

- He secretly showed me her picture.
- He secretly showed me her photo.
- He secretly showed me her photograph.

Tom montra à Mary comment faire bouillir de l'eau dans un gobelet en carton.

Tom showed Mary how to boil water in a paper cup.

Un jour, Marie montra son véritable visage à Tom. Elle était l'une des djinns.

One day, Mary showed Tom her true form. She was one of the jinn.

- Le pompier démontra comment on éteint le feu.
- Le pompier montra comment éteindre le feu.

The fire fighter demonstrated how to put out the fire.

- Il m'a montré sa collection de timbres-poste.
- Il me montra sa collection de timbres.

He showed me his collection of stamps.

Le voyageur du temps consacra son attention au déjeuner et montra un appétit de clochard.

The Time Traveller devoted his attention to his dinner, and displayed the appetite of a tramp.

- Elle ne parut pas.
- Elle ne se montra pas.
- Elle ne fit pas son apparition.

She didn't show up.

- Tom m'a montré une photo de son amie.
- Tom me montra une photo de sa copine.

Tom showed me a picture of his girlfriend.

- Il nous a montré la photo de sa mère.
- Il nous montra la photo de sa mère.

- He showed us his mother's picture.
- He showed us a picture of his mother.

- Tom a montré sa collection de timbres à Mary.
- Tom montra sa collection de timbres à Mary.

- Tom showed Mary his stamp collection.
- Tom showed his stamp collection to Mary.

- Il m'a montré son album photo.
- Il m'a montré son album de photos.
- Il me montra son album photo.

He showed his photograph album to me.

- Tom montra à Marie plusieurs photos de sa maison.
- Tom a montré plusieurs photos de sa maison à Marie.

Tom showed Mary several pictures of his house.