Translation of "Apprenant" in English

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Examples of using "Apprenant" in a sentence and their english translations:

Assez tôt en apprenant la langue,

in the language, relatively early on,

En apprenant que c'est le sujet abordé,

When I first heard that this was what we were tackling,

En apprenant à écouter pour obtenir des informations.

is by learning how to listen to obtain information.

Elle pleura de joie en apprenant la nouvelle.

She burst out crying with joy when she heard the news.

Mais je m'évanouissais en apprenant l'histoire de la crucifixion.

but passed out at school when I heard the crucifixion story.

apprenant tout ce que je pouvais sur le cannabis

learning everything I could about cannabis

J'ai été surpris en apprenant qu'ils allaient se marier.

When they said they were going to get married, it blew my mind.

Ils furent frappés de surprise en apprenant sa démission.

- They were stunned after finding out about his resignation.
- They were dumbfounded by the news of his resignation.

Mais elle est venue en apprenant à gérer le rejet.

but it came from learning how to handle rejection.

Il est devenu fou de joie en apprenant la nouvelle.

He became very elated at the news.

Tom a reçu un choc en apprenant que Maria était morte.

Tom was shocked to hear that Mary had died.

Ou en apprenant de La vie des stoïciens tout en allant courir.

or learning from The Lives of  the Stoics while going for a run.

Apprenant des échecs qui ont causé l'incendie d'Apollo 1, la NASA a repensé le

Learning from the failures that caused the Apollo 1 fire, NASA redesigned the Apollo

- Cette nouvelle lui remonta le moral.
- Elle reprit des forces en apprenant cette nouvelle.

She was encouraged by the news.

Toutes ces proies en font un terrain d'entraînement idéal pour un jeune jaguar apprenant à survivre.

So much prey makes this an ideal training ground for a young jaguar learning to fend for himself.

S'il y a réellement des différences entre ces deux cultures, je crois que les plus grandes porteront précisément sur l'idée que nous nous faisons des étrangers apprenant notre langue.

If there are genuine differences between these two cultures, I think that the largest are certainly in what you think about foreigners studying your native language.