Translation of "Sanctions" in Spanish

0.004 sec.

Examples of using "Sanctions" in a sentence and their spanish translations:

That provided alternative sanctions.

que aplica sentencias alternativas.

We also saw what sanctions they had made

también vimos qué sanciones habían hecho

The US is preparing new sanctions against Russia.

Los Estados Unidos están preparando nuevas sanciones contra Rusia.

I think that sanctions have never been tougher.

Creo que las sanciones nunca han sido tan duras.

By the sanctions contemplated in the anti-tobacco law?

por los castigos que prevé la ley antitabaco?

Those who do not appear have to fear sanctions.

Aquellos que no comparezcan tienen que temer las sanciones.

The US imposed financial sanctions on Maduro and members of his government.

Los EE.UU. impusieron sanciones financieras sobre Maduro y miembros de su gobierno.

That would hardly be accepted in Washington: elimination of Sanctions, transfer in Ukraine

que difícilmente se aceptarían en Washington: eliminación de Sanciones, cesión en Ucrania

Some of their decisions has made the EU to threaten Poland with sanctions and

decisiones han provocado que la unión europea amenace a polonia con sanciones

(Since in 2016, many of the the sanctions, -not all because the US keeps

(Desde que en 2016 se levantaron muchas de las sanciones, no todas porque EEUU mantiene

There are internal stresses in the regime as the sanctions take hold, and the diplomatic

Hay tensiones internas en el régimen a medida que las sanciones se arraigaron,