Translation of "Remarkably" in Spanish

0.003 sec.

Examples of using "Remarkably" in a sentence and their spanish translations:



Production has remarkably increased.

La producción se ha incrementado de forma notable.

She is remarkably attractive.

Ella es especialmente atractiva.

You'll find some remarkably fruitful things

Encontrarán cosas notablemente fructíferas

Her dark, almond-shaped eyes were remarkably beautiful.

Sus almendrados ojos oscuros eran increíblemente hermosos.

Blood plasma is remarkably similar to sea water.

El plasma sanguíneo es notablemente similar al agua de mar.

But quite remarkably, they actually help prevent the formation

Pero, asombrosamente, ayudan a prevenir la formación

One year later, I returned to ballet after a remarkably fast recovery,

Un año después, regresé al ballet después de una recuperación notablemente rápida,

- Kyoto is a remarkably beautiful city.
- Kyoto is an exceptionally pretty city.

Kioto es una ciudad excepcionalmente bonita.