Translation of "Irritated" in Spanish

0.083 sec.

Examples of using "Irritated" in a sentence and their spanish translations:

Tom was irritated.

Tom estaba irritado.

He became irritated.

Él se puso irritado.

The answer irritated me.

La respuesta me irritó.

Why are you irritated?

¿Por qué está enfadado?

Becoming unproductive or quickly irritated.

ser improductivo o irritarse rápidamente.

The soap irritated my eyes.

- El jabón me hizo daño en los ojos.
- El jabón me irritó los ojos.

Mary said that she's irritated.

Mary dijo que está irritada.

He seldom gets angry or irritated.

Él casi nunca se enfada o se irrita.

I wonder if Tom is irritated.

Me pregunto si Tom está irritado.

"Why?" asked the daughter, a trifle irritated.

"¿Por qué?" preguntó la hija, un poquitín irritada.

I was annoyed and irritated that entire day,

Estuve enfadada y molesta todo ese día

He says he got injured because the leopard was irritated and excited.

Dice que resultó herido porque el leopardo estaba irritado y excitado.

- I didn't expect to annoy you.
- I didn't expect you'd get irritated.

No pretendía enfadarte.

While several Marshals were irritated by  his air of superiority and blunt manner.  

mientras que varios mariscales estaban irritados por su aire de superioridad y modales bruscos.

To rival General Brune, while others were  irritated by his loud and boastful manner.

al general rival Brune, mientras que otros estaban irritados por su manera ruidosa y jactanciosa.

- Why is he angry?
- Why are you angry?
- Why are you irritated?
- Why are you mad?

¿Por qué está enfadado?

- Tom looked angry.
- Tom sounded angry.
- Tom looked furious.
- Tom seemed to be angry.
- Tom looked irritated.

Tom parecía estar enfadado.

When an English speaker realises that a foreign person they are speaking to doesn't understand one of their sentences, they repeat it, the same way, but louder, as though the person were deaf. At no point does it come to their mind that their vocabulary might be complicated or that their expression might most probably be ambiguous to a foreigner and that they could reword it in a simpler way. The result is that not only does the person still not understand, but they get irritated at being considered deaf.

Cuando un angloparlante se da cuenta de que un extranjero con el que está hablando no entiende una de sus frases, la repite de la misma manera, pero más alto, como si la persona estuviera sorda. No se le ocurre en ningún momento que puede que su vocabulario sea complicado o que su expresión muy probablemente sea ambigua para un extranjero y que podría reformularla de una forma más sencilla. El resultado es que, aparte de que la persona sigue sin entenderla, ésta se enfada por ser considerada sorda.