Translation of "Gradually" in Spanish

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Examples of using "Gradually" in a sentence and their spanish translations:

gradually remove.

eliminan gradualmente.

We can gradually succeed.

podemos tener éxito gradualmente.

The snowstorm gradually abated.

La tormenta de nieve amainaba paulatinamente.

The storm has gradually abated.

La tormenta ha amainado gradualmente.

The wind gradually died down.

El viento se calmó gradualmente.

She gradually began to understand.

Ella empezó de poco a poco a entender.

Gradually, they are all leaving.

De a poco se van todos.

The music gradually faded away.

- La música se fue desvaneciendo poco a poco.
- La música se fue desvaneciendo gradualmente.

That gradually became his habit.

Eventualmente se convirtió en su hábito.

Tom's French is gradually improving.

El francés de Tom va mejorando gradualmente.

The days are gradually shortening.

Los días se hacen cada vez más cortos.

Gradually the interest rate will increase.

Las tasas de interés van a aumentar progresivamente.

Old customs are gradually being destroyed.

Las antiguas costumbres están siendo gradualmente destruidas.

Let's get rid of cash, but gradually,

deshagámonos del efectivo pero paulatinamente,

Just going on revealed values, would gradually --

siguiendo los valores revelados, gradualmente...

He gradually came to love his father.

Él gradualmente llegó a amar a su padre.

Many old customs are gradually dying out.

Muchas tradiciones antiguas se van perdiendo progresivamente.

The EU's unity is gradually becoming shakier.

La unidad de la Unión Europea se está haciendo gradualmente más inestable.

Lack of sleep can gradually affect health.

La falta de sueño poco a poquito alcanza a afectar la salud.

Gradually, my grades starting to going up

Poco a poco, mejoraron mis calificaciones

And the water, which rises gradually but unstoppably.

y el agua, que sube de forma paulatina pero imparable.

Gradually, 30 bars and shops will move in.

Poco a poco irán entrando 30 bares y tiendas.

Rust is gradually eating into the metal parts.

El óxido se está comiendo poco a poco las partes de metal.

Life is gradually returning to its usual course.

La vida está volviendo gradualmente a su curso habitual.

I am far from finished. It all happened gradually.

Estoy lejos de terminar. Todo sucedió gradualmente.

Gradually things began to look a little less black.

Gradualmente, las cosas comenzarán a parecer un poco menos sombrías.

- It's getting colder and colder.
- It's gradually getting colder.

Hace cada vez más frío.

Mexico City's economic and social activity are gradually recovering.

La ciudad de México recupera paulatinamente su actividad económica y social.

- It's getting dark little by little outside.
- It's gradually getting dark outside.
- It's slowly getting dark outside.
- It's gradually becoming dark outside.

Se está oscureciendo de poco a poco afuera.

It gradually dawned on me that mathematics is a sense.

Gradualmente, caí en la cuenta de que la matemática es un sentido.

- The days are gradually shortening.
- The days are getting shorter.

Los días se hacen cada vez más cortos.

I was nervous at first, but gradually got more relaxed.

Estaba nervioso al principio pero gradualmente me fui relajando.

It gradually dawned on me that I had misunderstood him.

Poco a poco me di cuenta que le había entendido mal.

That has gradually grown into something that I could choose.

que poco a poco ha crecido en algo que yo pude elegir.

The tempo changed gradually toward the end of the symphony.

El tempo cambiaba paulatinamente hacia el final de la sinfonía.

At first he hated her but gradually came to love her.

Él la odiaba al principio, pero con el paso del tiempo fue amándola.

At first, I didn't like it, but it gradually became fun.

Al principio no me gustó, pero de poco a poco se volvió divertido.

I gradually pieced his story together from odd things he said.

Son palabras pronunciadas al azar que, poco a poco, me lo revelaron todo.

As he walked away, his figure gradually became dim under the snow.

Mientras se iba, su silueta desaparecía gradualmente bajo la nieve.

With the coming of spring, everything is gradually coming to life again.

Con el devenir de la primavera, todo está gradualmente volviendo a la vida.

In other words, these four countries are I built gradually, an integrated market

En otras palabras, estos cuatro países están construyendo, poco a poco, un mercado integrado

Gradually the true meaning of what he said began to dawn on me.

Poco a poco me di cuenta del verdadero significado de lo que dijo.

- My father is getting better by degrees.
- My father is gradually getting better.

Mi padre se va recuperando de a poco.

Attack, gradually driving in the enemy left flank…  helping to make Austrian retreat inevitable.

ataque, avanzando gradualmente hacia el flanco izquierdo enemigo ... ayudando a que la retirada austriaca fuera inevitable.

Gradually, it was as though I was starting to see the world in High-Definiton.

Gradualmente, era como si comenzara a ver el mundo en alta definición.

The old cobbles in the streets have gradually been substituted by asphalt in all cities.

Los antiguos adoquines de la calle han sido substituidos paulatinamente por asfalto en todas las ciudades.

- Tom is slowly getting better.
- Tom is getting better bit by bit.
- Tom is gradually getting better.

Tom se está recuperando lentamente.

At the outset of the long voyage I was seasick, but I gradually began to get my sea legs.

Al comienzo del gran viaje estaba mareado, pero gradualmente empecé a adaptarme.

Life would be infinitely happier if we could only be born at the age of eighty and gradually approach eighteen.

La vida sería infinitamente más feliz si pudiéramos nacer a la edad de ochenta años y gradualmente llegar a los dieciocho.

When we watch a movie, play a video game, or read a book, we become emotionally attached to certain characters and gradually become like them.

Cuando vemos una película, jugamos a un videojuego o leemos un libro, les cogemos cariño a ciertos personajes y gradualmente llegamos a parecernos a ellos.

- Put it in first and slowly let out the clutch while you gradually accelerate.
- Put it in first and slowly let off the clutch while giving it a little gas.

- Mete primera y suelta lentamente el embrague mientras aceleras un poco.
- Mete primera marcha y desembraga lentamente mientras aceleras poco a poco.