Translation of "Discreet" in Spanish

0.006 sec.

Examples of using "Discreet" in a sentence and their spanish translations:

Be discreet.

- Sé discreto.
- Sed discretos.

I'll be discreet.

Seré discreto.

Much more discreet. For example, Look:

mucho más discretos. ¿Quereis una prueba? Fijaos:

He is punctual and discreet in paying off his debts.

Él es puntual y discreto en sus deudas.

A discreet homage to the accident victims was carried out yesterday.

Ayer se realizó un discreto homenaje a las víctimas del accidente.

You weren't particularly discreet, so it's no wonder you got caught.

No fuiste particularmente discreto, por lo que no es sorpresa que te han pillado.

It was discreet of you to keep it a secret from him.

Fuiste considerado al guardar eso en secreto de él.

Being an honest and discreet man, he never sought recognition for his contributions.

Siendo un hombre modesto y discreto, él nunca buscó reconocimiento por sus contribuciones.