Translation of "Choosing" in Spanish

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Examples of using "Choosing" in a sentence and their spanish translations:

So, we're choosing "run"?

¿Eligen huir?

And eventually choosing public health.

y posteriormente elegir salud pública.

By choosing to reveal ourselves,

Al elegir revelar a nosotros mismos,

By choosing reusable products and using

mediante la elección de productos reutilizables y el uso de

- You cannot be too careful in choosing friends.
- You can't be too careful in choosing friends.

No puedes ser demasiado cauteloso al elegir a los amigos.

You should be careful in choosing friends.

Deberías tener cuidado a la hora de escoger a tus amigos.

choosing the life you want to live,

eligiendo la vida que tú quieres vivir

I was choosing to stay in the nightmare.

Estaba optando por quedarme en una pesadilla.

Like choosing a restaurant or making everyday purchases,

como elegir un restaurante o hacer una compra cotidiana

Choosing the sharp rock was actually a mistake

Elegir la piedra afilada fue un error,

You must be careful in choosing your friends.

Tenés que ser cuidadoso en la elección de tus amigos.

Teaching is a profession of my own choosing.

Enseñar es la profesión que elegí yo mismo.

You cannot be too careful in choosing friends.

No puedes ser demasiado cauteloso al elegir a los amigos.

Choosing between different brands of beer is hard.

- Es difícil escoger entre cañas de varias marcas.
- Es difícil escoger entre las diferentes marcas de cerveza.

So, focus is simply about choosing the right thought

Concentrarse es simplemente elegir el pensamiento correcto

The moon on Apollo 8, choosing Apollo 9 instead.

la luna en el Apolo 8, eligiendo el Apolo 9 en su lugar.

I made a big mistake in choosing my wife.

Cometí un gran error al elegir a mi esposa.

I made a big mistake when choosing my wife.

Cometí un grave error al elegir a mi esposa.

What could you tell me about choosing a career?"

¿cómo puedes tú decirme qué trabajo elegir?"

I was not afraid of difficulties: what scared me was the obligation of choosing a path. Choosing a path meant abandoning others.

No tenía miedo a las dificultades: lo que me asustaba era la obligación de tener que escoger un camino. Escoger un camino significaba abandonar otros.

- It is true that we cannot be too careful choosing our friends.
- It's true that we can't be too careful choosing our friends.

Es cierto que no podemos ser demasiado cuidadosos eligiendo a nuestros amigos.

Of actually choosing a life that corresponds to who they are.

para escoger una vida que corresponda con su personalidad.

Choosing to fight for the British proved to be a mistake.

Elegir pelear por los británicos ha demostrado ser un error.

Away from 60-hour work weeks, with some choosing to quit altogether

las semanas de 60 horas de trabajo; algunos escogen renunciar enteramente

And I decided than choosing myself was more important than being right.

y decidí que elegirme a mí misma era más importante que tener razón.

- It is a difficult task, choosing what is "right" or "wrong", but you have to do it.
- It's difficult choosing between what's right and what's wrong, but you have to choose.
- It's difficult choosing between what's right and what's wrong, but you have to make the choice.

Es una tarea difícil elegir qué está "bien" o "mal", pero has de hacerlo.

One of his Strong gifts... Choosing people to accompany him and work for him.

de sus fuertes… elegir a las personas que le acompañan y trabajan para él.

Allow me to explain: choosing one of those historical super fortunes would involve giving

Permitidme que me explique: Elegir, una de esas históricas super fortunas implicaría renunciar

- She ended up looking for a different kitten.
- She ended up choosing another kitten.

Finalmente ella eligió otro gatito.

But, you might be thinking... well... it seems he made a mistake by choosing... a

Pero, puede que estés pensado… bueno… parece que se equivocó al elegir… oye un

For example, more people are choosing to live together and have children without getting married.

Por ejemplo, más personas están eligiendo vivir juntos y tener hijos sin casarse.

It is a difficult task, choosing what is "right" or "wrong", but you have to do it.

Es una tarea difícil elegir qué está "bien" o "mal", pero has de hacerlo.

The words Dr. Hawking was choosing this morning would be printed out and sent to the publisher of his book.

Las palabras que el dr. Hawking escogía esta mañana serían imprimidas y enviadas a la editorial de su libro.

"I understand Italian perfectly," she boasted while choosing a dish from the menu, but when the food was served, it was not at all what she expected.

—Yo entiendo el italiano a la perfección —presumió ella en lo que escogía un plato del menú, pero cuando le sirvieron la comida, no era para nada lo que ella esperaba.

If you need to use the services of a company, you may be interested to know what standards they work towards before choosing to work with them.

Si necesitas utilizar los servicios de una empresa, puedes estar interesado en saber con que criterios trabajan antes de decidirte a trabajar con ellos.

And when Moses heard this, he did all things that he had suggested unto him. And choosing able men out of all Israel, he appointed them rulers of the people, rulers over thousands, and over hundreds, and over fifties, and over tens. And they judged the people at all times.

Moisés siguió el consejo de su suegro e hizo todo lo que le dijo. Eligió entre todo Israel hombres capaces y los puso al frente del pueblo, como jefes de mil, de ciento, de cincuenta y de diez. Éstos administraban justicia al pueblo en todo momento.