Translation of "Caring" in Spanish

0.004 sec.

Examples of using "Caring" in a sentence and their spanish translations:

You have many caring friends.

Tienes muchos amigos atentos.

Tom is a loving and caring gentleman.

Tom es un caballero amoroso y atento.

I stopped caring for myself in many ways.

Dejé de cuidarme de diferentes formas.

You nod, you look engaged, yet caring, yet concerned,

asentir, mostrarse involucrado, atento y preocupado,

Most have families who could be caring for them

La mayoría tiene familias que podrían cuidar de ellos

She assisted her mother in caring for the baby.

Ella ayudó a su madre a cuidar del bebé.

After retirement, Teresa devoted herself to caring for orphans.

Después de su retiro, Teresa se dedicó a cuidar a los huérfanos.

You gotta have amazing culture, from caring with people.

Tienes que tener cultura increíble, de cuidar a la gente.

The blind nurse devoted herself to caring for the elderly.

La enfermera ciega se dedicó a cuidar a los ancianos.

The elephant is a very caring mother for its children.

Las elefantas son madres muy esmeradas con sus crias.

She looked a little better than before but was past caring.

Se veía un poco mejor que antes, pero ya no le importaba.

We can start by caring about the education of other people's children ...

Podemos empezar preocupándonos por la educación de los hijos de otros.

Mary is a warm, caring person, but Tom is cold and aloof.

Mary es una persona cálida y bondadosa, pero Tom es frío y distante.

It's a story of immigrants, of compassion, of giving, of loving, of caring.

Es una historia de inmigrantes, de dar, de compasión, de amor, de cariño.

The only thing that the teacher was really caring about was his students.

La única cosa que en realidad le importaba al profesor eran sus estudiantes.

Here is a red spider, not so big as a pin's head. Can you imagine an elephant being interested in him—caring whether he is happy or isn't, or whether he is wealthy or poor, or whether his sweetheart returns his love or not, or whether his mother is sick or well, or whether he is looked up to in society or not, or whether his enemies will smite him or his friends desert him, or whether his hopes will suffer blight or his political ambitions fail, or whether he shall die in the bosom of his family or neglected and despised in a foreign land?

Aquí hay una araña roja, del porte de una cabeza de alfiler. ¿Puedes imaginarte a un elefante que se interese por ella? ¿Que le importe si es feliz o no, o si es rica o pobre, o si su amante le corresponde su amor o no, o si su madre está enferma o sana, o si es respetada en la sociedad o no, o si sus enemigos la golpearán o sus amigos la abandonarán, o si sobre sus esperanzas cae la ruina o si sus ambiciones políticas fracasan, o si morirá en el seno de su familia o abandonada y despreciada en un país extranjero?