Translation of "Anthropologist" in Spanish

0.017 sec.

Examples of using "Anthropologist" in a sentence and their spanish translations:

They hired a clever anthropologist

Contrató a un antropólogo muy astuto

Barack Obama's mother, Ann Dunham, was an anthropologist.

La madre de Barack Obama, Ann Dunham, era antropóloga.

To my surprise, the anthropologist was accused of murder.

Para mi sorpresa, el antropólogo fue acusado de asesinato.

Later in the 19th century, an anthropologist named W.H.R.

En el siglo XIX, un antropólogo llamado W.H.R. Rivers

When I decided I was going to be an anthropologist;

cuando decidí que iba a ser antropólogo.

The American anthropologist Margaret Mead once said that one should never underestimate what a small group of dedicated people can accomplish.

La antropóloga estadounidense Margaret Mead dijo una vez que uno nunca debería subestimar lo que un pequeño grupo de personas dedicadas puede lograr.