Translation of "Stitches" in Russian

0.013 sec.

Examples of using "Stitches" in a sentence and their russian translations:

Tom got stitches.

Тому наложили швы.

Am I going to need stitches?

Мне понадобятся швы?

The doctor gave him four stitches.

Врач наложил ему четыре шва.

The doctor gave her four stitches.

- Доктор наложил ей четыре шва.
- Врач наложил ей четыре шва.

You're so funny, I was all in stitches.

Ты так забавно шутишь, я чуть не помер со смеху.

Apparently the wound itself only needs a few stitches.

Очевидно, самой ране нужны лишь несколько швов.

She needed stitches, but there was no way she would go to a hospital.

Хорошо бы наложить швы, но ей нельзя в больницу.

- The blanket's seam has unraveled.
- A seam on the blanket has unraveled.
- The stitches on the blanket have unraveled.

Шов одеяла распоролся.