Translation of "Come down" in Russian

0.067 sec.

Examples of using "Come down" in a sentence and their russian translations:

- Come down here.
- Come down here!

- Спускайся сюда.
- Спускайтесь сюда!
- Спускайся сюда!

Come down!


Come down here.

Спускайтесь сюда!

- Get down.
- Come down!


He will come down soon.

Он скоро спустится.

The prices will come down.

Цены снизятся.

Come down from the tree.

Слезай с дерева.

Come down for a minute.

Спустись вниз на минутку.

Can I come down now?

Можно мне теперь спуститься?

The price will not come down.

Цена не упадёт.

- Get down here!
- Come down here.
- Come on down.
- Come downstairs.
- Come down.
- Go downstairs.

- Спускайся сюда.
- Спускайтесь.
- Спускайтесь сюда!
- Спускайся сюда!
- Выходите.

The twins have come down with measles.

Близнецы слегли с корью.

The price of rice has come down.

Цена на рис упала.

We all want prices to come down.

Мы все хотим, чтобы цены снизились.

Come down here and eat with us.

- Спускайся сюда и поешь с нами!
- Спускайтесь сюда и поешьте с нами!

You'd better come down here right away.

Тебе лучше немедленно спуститься.

We heard him come down the stairs.

Мы слышали, как он спускается по лестнице.

The price of coffee has come down.

Цена на кофе упала.

Food prices will come down soon, won't they?

Цены на продовольствие скоро снизятся, не так ли?

The price of meat will soon come down.

Цена на мясо скоро упадёт.

He waited for the elevator to come down.

Он ждал, пока спустится лифт.

- Get down!
- Come on down.
- Come downstairs.
- Come down.

Спускайтесь вниз.

The terrorists will come down from the mountains in a week.

Террористы спустятся с гор в течение недели.

- The price of coffee has come down.
- The price of coffee went down.

Цена на кофе упала.

- Get down!
- Get down.
- Come on down.
- Come downstairs.
- Come down.
- Go downstairs.

- Выходи.
- Спускайся.

- She called to the children: "Get down!"
- She called to the children: "Come down!"

Она позвала детей: "Спускайтесь!"

We have all been talking about tomorrow; now let's come down to earth and talk about today.

Мы все говорили о дне завтрашнем, теперь давайте вернёмся на землю и поговорим о дне сегодняшнем.

- The price of rice has come down.
- The price of rice has fallen.
- The price of rice has dropped.

Цена на рис упала.