Translation of "Notable" in Portuguese

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Examples of using "Notable" in a sentence and their portuguese translations:

Any notable things that happened.

quaisquer coisas notáveis ​​que aconteceram.

Chemistry has made notable progress in recent years.

A química progrediu notavelmente nos últimos anos.

Statues of Buddha are notable works of Japanese art.

As estátuas de Buda são obras notáveis na arte japonesa.

With a few notable exceptions, the language of opera is Italian.

Com algumas exceções notáves, a língua da opera é o Italiano.

The deluge was a notable first experiment in baptism which washed away the sins (and sinners) of the world.

O dilúvio foi a primeira grande experiência de batismo, tendo removido na enxurrada tanto os pecados quanto os pecadores do mundo.