Translation of "Coiled" in Portuguese

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Examples of using "Coiled" in a sentence and their portuguese translations:

When they bring their head back like that and they're coiled,

Quando puxam a cabeça para trás e recuam,

When they bring their head back like that and they're coiled,

Quando puxam a cabeça para trás e recuam,

I don't wanna take my eye off this snake, you can see he's coiled.

Não posso tirar os olhos da cobra, já está a recuar.

I don't wanna take my eye off this snake, you can see he's coiled,

Não posso tirar os olhos da cobra, já está a recuar.

I don't wanna take my eye off this snake. You can see he's coiled.

Não posso tirar os olhos da cobra, já está a recuar.

That's probably smart. I don't wanna take my eyes off this snake. You can see he's coiled.

É uma escolha inteligente. Não posso tirar os olhos da cobra, já está a recuar.

When they bring their head back like that and they're coiled, it means they then have the power to surge forward and strike.

Quando puxam a cabeça para trás e recuam, significa que podem lançar-se e atacar.

But lo! the serpents to Tritonia's seat / glide from their victim, till the shrine they gain, / and, coiled beside the goddess, at her feet, / behind her sheltering shield with gathered orbs retreat.

Agora os dois dragões serpeando fogem / para a parte mais alta do santuário / da severa Minerva, e aos pés da imagem, / sob o redondo escudo, se enrodilham.