Translation of "Hundred" in French

0.103 sec.

Examples of using "Hundred" in a sentence and their french translations:

One hundred, two hundred, three hundred, four hundred, five hundred, six hundred, seven hundred, eight hundred, nine hundred, one thousand.

Cent, deux cents, trois cents, quatre cents, cinq cents, six cents, sept cents, huit cents, neuf cents, mille.

Hundred above.

Cent au-dessus.

One hundred.


Better a hundred friends than a hundred rubles.

Il vaut mieux cent amis que cent roubles.

By a hundred.

Par centaine.

- It's worth three hundred dollars.
- That is worth three hundred dollars.
- That's worth three hundred dollars.

Ça vaut trois cents dollars.

- Let a hundred flowers bloom!
- May a hundred flowers bloom!

Que cent fleurs s'épanouissent !

Twenty-five hundred people,

2 500 personnes,

(radio message) One hundred.

(message radio) Cent.

Count to one hundred.

Compte jusqu'à cent.

For a hundred something--

pour cent quelque chose--

- That is worth three hundred dollars.
- That's worth three hundred dollars.

Ça vaut trois cents dollars.

If you add one hundred to one thousand, you get eleven hundred.

En additionnant cent et mille vous obtenez mille cent.

- I support you a hundred percent.
- I support you one hundred percent.

- Je te soutiens à cent pour cent.
- Je vous soutiens à cent pour cent.

Six hundred and fifty million.

Six cent cinquante millions.

Was a hundred percent successful,

réussisait à cent pour cent,

She saved a hundred dollars.

Elle économisa une centaine de dollars.

He saved a hundred dollars.

Il économisa cent dollars.

May a hundred flowers bloom!

Que cent fleurs s'épanouissent !

Let a hundred flowers bloom!

Que cent fleurs s'épanouissent !

I counted to two hundred.

J'ai compté jusqu'à deux-cent.

We walked another hundred yards.

Nous avons marché 100 yards de plus.

You're a hundred percent right.

- Tu as raison à cent pour cent.
- Vous avez raison à cent pour cent.

He counted to one hundred.

- Il a compté jusqu'à cent.
- Il compta jusqu'à cent.

- I have fifteen hundred cows.
- I have one thousand and five hundred cows.

J'ai 1500 vaches.

If six saws saw six cypresses, six hundred saws will saw six hundred cypresses.

Si six scies scient six cyprès, six cent six scies scieront six cent six cyprès.

- Few live to be a hundred years old.
- Few reach the age of one hundred.
- Few people live to be a hundred.
- Few people live to be a hundred years old.

Peu de gens vivent jusqu'à cent ans.

It will take a hundred years.

Cela prendra cent ans.

One hundred cents makes one dollar.

100 cents font un dollar.

A century is one hundred years.

Un siècle fait cent années.

We shot pheasants by the hundred.

Nous abattîmes des faisans par centaines.

His debt reached a hundred dollars.

Sa dette se montait à cent dollars.

I only need one hundred dollars.

Je n'ai besoin que de cent dollars.

More than five-hundred were wounded.

Plus de cinq cents personnes ont été blessées.

One ticket costs five hundred yen.

C’est 500 yens le ticket.

This is a hundred dollar bill.

- C'est une facture de cent dollars.
- C'est un billet de cent dollars.

We ran a hundred-meter dash.

- Nous courûmes un cent mètres.
- Nous avons couru un cent mètres.

I'm not a hundred percent wrong.

- Je n'ai pas tout faux.
- Je ne me suis pas complètement trompé.
- Je ne me suis pas complètement planté.

I need another three hundred dollars.

J'ai besoin de trois cents dollars de plus.

The price is three hundred dollars.

Le prix est de trois cents dollars.

A hundred decades make a millennium.

Cent décennies font un millénaire.

Count from one to a hundred.

Compte de un à cent.

Over one hundred people came here.

Plus de cent personnes sont venues ici.

Tom saved up three hundred dollars.

Tom a économisé 300 dollars.

This desk cost three hundred dollars.

Ce bureau coûtait trois cents dollars.

I'm not a hundred percent sure.

- Je ne suis pas sûr à cent pour cents.
- Je ne suis pas sûre à cent pour cent.

You will live a hundred years.

Tu vivras cent ans.

This skirt costs two hundred dollars.

Cette jupe coûte 200 dollars.

Or a hundred and fifty grand

ou cent cinquante

- Four hundred 97 dollars. 500 bucks.

- Quatre cent 97 dollars. 500 dollars.

I paid a hundred and something,

J'ai payé cent et quelque chose,

- Tom said he won three hundred dollars.
- Tom said that he won three hundred dollars.

Tom a dit qu'il avait gagné trois-cents dollars.

- Nobody can live to be two hundred years old.
- No one can live for two hundred years.
- Nobody can live for two hundred years.

Personne ne peut vivre deux cents ans.

- No man can live to be two hundred years old.
- Nobody can live to be two hundred years old.
- No one can live for two hundred years.
- Nobody can live for two hundred years.

Personne ne peut vivre deux cents ans.

- Few people live to be one hundred years old.
- Few people live to be a hundred.
- Few people live to be a hundred years old.

- Peu de gens vivent centenaires.
- Peu de gens vivent jusqu'à cent ans.

- All of us got three hundred dollars.
- Each one of us was given three hundred dollars.

Chacun de nous a reçu trois cents dollars.

- Tom has to pay three hundred dollars more.
- Tom has to pay another three hundred dollars.

Tom doit payer trois cents dollars de plus.

- I have seen in my time a hundred craftsmen, a hundred farmers, wiser and happier than university rectors.
- I have seen in my time a hundred craftsmen, a hundred farmers, wiser and happier than university presidents.

J'ai vu en mon temps cent artisans, cent laboureurs, plus sages et plus heureux que des recteurs de l'université.

Of the last hundred years at least.

de ces cent dernières années au moins.

He had a hundred percent conviction rate

il avait un taux de condamnations de 100%

A hundred and thirty kilos of muscle.

Cent trente kilos de muscles.

It means ten to ten hundred words.

Cela signifie dix à dix cents mots.

Then there are a few hundred people.

Ensuite, il y a quelques centaines de personnes.

One hundred dollars is just chicken feed.

Cent dollars, ce n'est rien.

A hundred years is called a century.

Une centaine d'années est appelée un siècle.

She won the one hundred meter race.

Elle a gagné le 100 mètres.

About one hundred and fifty dollars altogether.

Environ cent-cinquante dollars en tout.

Tatoeba has reached eight hundred thousand sentences!

Tatoeba a atteint huit cent mille phrases !