Translation of "Acquire" in Polish

0.004 sec.

Examples of using "Acquire" in a sentence and their polish translations:

Those the subject deems hard to acquire,

które są postrzegane jako trudne do nauczenia,

They sent their son to Europe to acquire culture.

Wysłali syna do Europy, by liznął kultury.

I managed to acquire the book after a long search.

Po długich poszukiwaniach w końcu zdobyłem tę książkę.

If a person has not had a chance to acquire his target language by the time he's an adult, he's unlikely to be able to reach native speaker level in that language.

Jeśli nie miało się okazji przyswoić danego języka przed dorosłością, szanse na poznanie go na poziomie rodzimego użytkownika są bardzo niewielkie.

- If I had the money, I would immediately buy this computer.
- Had I the money, I would immediately acquire this computer.
- If I had the money, I would immediately purchase this computer.

Gdybym miał pieniądze, natychmiast kupiłbym ten komputer.