Translation of "Murat " in Japanese

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Examples of using "Murat " in a sentence and their japanese translations:



Victor. Murat. 


And Murat.


Victor. Murat.


10. Marshal Murat

10. 宿屋の主人の息子である 元帥のムラト・

Lannes had to work closely with Marshal Murat,  

ランヌは 、エジプトでの脱落以来の激しいライバル で ある

Relations between Murat and  the Emperor became strained.


Murat had become increasingly  difficult to work with:  

、彼はその呼びかけに答えました。 ムラトはますます

Marshal Murat that would’ve allowed the enemy to escape.

、敵が逃げることを許したであろうムラット元帥 からの命令を無視するように勧め

Napoleon expected Murat to merely  represent his interests in Naples,  


But Murat had other ideas: he  reformed the Neapolitan army,  


Murat remained with the army  during the retreat from Moscow,  


In 1808, he sent Murat to Spain  to act as his representative.


Murat, always riding with the advance  guard, was so fearless and conspicuous  

常に前衛隊と一緒に乗っているムラトは、 彼の贅沢なユニフォームを着て

With the British and Austrians closing  in, Murat became a hunted fugitive.  


Murat was sentenced to death by the  restored Bourbon monarchy of Naples.


To join the King’s Constitutional Guard, along with his old schoolfriend Joachim Murat.

彼の古い学友のジョアシャン・ミュラと一緒に国王の憲法上の警備隊に加わる ためにパリに送られまし

In 1798 Murat joined Napoleon’s expedition  to Egypt. At the Battle of Aboukir,  


Three weeks later, Murat and Marshal Lannes,  who normally couldn’t stand each other,  


Murat took command of four cavalry corps,  and became Napoleon’s second-in-command.


But Murat, now primarily concerned with  hanging onto his kingdom, left the army  


Murat declared. “But now… I know that  the Emperor’s sole desire is war.”

ムラトは宣言した。 「しかし今…天皇の唯一の望みは戦争であることを私は知っています。」

Murat then began to suspect what had  been obvious to Napoleon, at least:  


Murat is rightly remembered as one of the  great battlefield cavalry commanders of  

ムラトは、 歴史の 偉大な戦場騎兵隊の指揮官の1人として正しく記憶されています

When Davout got into a row with Marshal  Murat, whom he regarded as incompetent,  


Transferred to Italy, his friendship with Murat got him noticed by the army commander

イタリアに移されたムラットとの友情は、彼 を「レ・ガイド・ド・ボナパルト」として知られる

His flanking charge broke the enemy, and Murat  personally took the Ottoman commander prisoner,  

彼の側面攻撃は敵を壊し、ムラト は顎を撃たれたにもかかわらず

Yet in battle, Murat remained a brilliant and  inspiring leader, as demonstrated at Austerlitz,  


Murat was at his best, directing a series  of attacks on the Russian earthworks,  


For Naples, promising to raise fresh troops.  Murat and Napoleon would never meet again.  

する ことを知らせ、 新鮮な軍隊を育てることを約束した。ミュラとナポレオンは二度と会うことはありません。

Joachim Murat, the son of an innkeeper,  was destined for a career in the church,  


Murat to bring him cannons, which he did,  racing the guns through the city streets...  

ように命じ ました。彼はそれを行い、街の通りを銃で駆け抜けました...

When Napoleon established his empire in 1804,  Murat became a Marsal, second in seniority only  

ナポレオンが1804年に帝国を樹立したとき、ムラトはマーサルになり、 ベルティエに

Napoleon ordered Murat to lead a mass cavalry  charge straight at the enemy. Murat’s men  


But that title went to Napoleon’s brother Joseph;  Murat, instead, received the throne of Naples.


Only Murat would do to lead his cavalry.  Their differences were put to one side:  


In his extravagant uniforms that the Cossacks  came to admire him, calling out ‘Oorah! Murat!’  

大胆不敵で目立っ ていた ので 、コサックは彼を賞賛するようになり、「オーラ!ムラト!」

Murat was among those who tried to persuade  Napoleon to halt the advance at Smolensk,  


When Napoleon left the army to return to  Paris, he gave command to Marshal Murat.


But he received only a lukewarm response.  So in 1813, when Napoleon asked Murat to  


As Napoleon retreated to the French frontier,  Murat informed the Emperor that he was leaving  

ナポレオンがフランスのフロンティアに撤退したとき、ムラトは皇帝に彼が ナポリに向けて 出発

So in 1815, encouraged by news of Napoleon’s  return from exile, Murat marched north against  

それで1815年に、ナポレオンが亡命から戻ったというニュースに勇気づけられて、ムラト はオーストリア人

When Napoleon deposed Spain’s Bourbon monarchy,  Murat hoped he’d be made the new King of Spain,  


Army of Italy. Murat was promoted Colonel  and went with him as his new aide-de-camp.


Got a hostile reception from the Council of  Five Hundred, it was Murat who saved the day,  

五百人会から敵対的な歓迎 を 受けた とき 、その日を救ったのはムラトであり、

Napoleon had rewarded Murat in 1806 by making  him sovereign prince of the Grand Duchy of Berg.


The Coalition was not going to honour its promise,  and Murat would be next to lose his throne.
