Translation of "Emperor" in Japanese

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Examples of using "Emperor" in a sentence and their japanese translations:

Long live the Emperor!


The Emperor would never allow.

天皇が決して許さない 何か 。

His mind to the Emperor.

皇帝に彼の心を 話しまし た。

Was blowing, and rallied to the Emperor.

に吹いて いるかを見 て、皇帝に 戻った 。

The princess begged forgiveness from the emperor.


Emperor Nero was an extremely evil tyrant.


Relations between Murat and  the Emperor became strained.


The Emperor prayed for the souls of the deceased.


The Emperor shall be the symbol of the State.


His remarkable, soldiering skills  would be sorely missed by the Emperor  

。 彼の驚くべき兵士のスキルは、これから の困難な年に

“What business has the Emperor in the rear of the army?


Decision to cast in his lot with the Emperor once more.

もう一度皇帝と一緒に彼のくじに投げ込む という運命的な 決断をしました。

Enthusiasm for Napoleon’s decision to  crown himself Emperor five years later.

、5年後にナポレオンが皇帝を戴冠するという決定に 大きな 熱意

Were so effective that even the  Emperor of Austria later admitted,  


The Emperor is the symbol of the unity of the people.


The Roman Emperor Constantine promoted Christianity beginning in the year 313.


Oudinot continued to serve the Emperor  courageously and loyally as a corps  

ウディノは 1814年の最後のキャンペーンで

The emperor Theodosius made Christianity the state religion and banned other religions.


Their extraordinary range of gifts includes  busts and statuettes of the Emperor himself…  


On campaign, Berthier and the Emperor often  travelled together in the imperial coach,  


Including Napoleon’s chief of staff, Marshal  Berthier – and perhaps even the Emperor himself.

、多くの人が彼が1つか2つのペグを降ろすのを見た がっていました。

He allowed self-interest and vanity to  prevail over loyalty to the Emperor.


But a severe attack of sciatica prevented  him joining the Emperor at Waterloo.


The Emperor advanced rapidly, hoping to trap and destroy part of Blücher’s army.

皇帝は急いで前進し ブリュッヘル軍の撃破に向かった

From Paris, he wrote to the Russian Emperor Alexander at Allied headquarters, informing

タレーランはパリから同盟軍本部の ロシア皇帝アレクサンドルへ手紙を送った

Than a million francs per year from the  Emperor – more than any other Marshal.

以上の寄付金を受け取りました 。これは他のどの元帥よりも多い 金額 です。

“Marshal Suchet, you have grown greatly since we last saw one another!” the Emperor


But his blind faith in the Emperor did not survive Russia… henceforth, he’d fight

しかし、皇帝に対する彼の盲目的な信仰はロシアを生き延びませんでした…今後、彼は フランスの

1813, though his relations with the Emperor, and Marshal Berthier in particular, were increasingly

を通して奉仕を続けました が、皇帝、特に元帥との関係はますます

Soult’s relationship with Napoleon was excellent, and the Emperor frequently turned to him for

ソウルトとナポレオンとの関係は素晴らしく、皇帝は頻繁に彼に 助言 を 求め ました

Masséna kept Archduke Charles’s army busy in Italy, while the Emperor won his great

。 マセナはチャールズ大公の軍隊をイタリアで忙しくし続け、皇帝は

Later that year, while out hunting with the Emperor and his entourage at Fontainebleau,


Directly alongside the Emperor, and both soon  learned new respect for each other’s abilities.

に働いたのはこれが初めてで唯一 であり、両方ともすぐにお互いの能力に対する新しい尊敬を学びました。

And long-running feud with the Emperor,  meant he was never a great Marshal.


Holding Napoleon’s left wing, as the Emperor  inflicted a devastating defeat on the Russians.

、彼の軍団は ナポレオンの左翼を保持 する重要な役割 を 果たしました 。

In 1805, the newly-crowned Emperor Napoleon gave  Oudinot command of an elite Grenadier Division,  

1805年、新たに戴冠したナポレオン皇帝 は、軍隊で最も背が高く最強の兵士で構成され

His unfair dismissal, he told the Emperor: “Marshal Victor has not forgotten his old trade.  

ことに腹を立て、屈辱を与えた、と 彼は皇帝に語った。「ビクター元帥は彼の古い貿易を忘れていません。

As Napoleon retreated to the French frontier,  Murat informed the Emperor that he was leaving  

ナポレオンがフランスのフロンティアに撤退したとき、ムラトは皇帝に彼が ナポリに向けて 出発

Former Emperor as ‘a man who, having sacrificed  millions of victims to his cruel ambitions,  

前皇帝を「彼の残酷な野心のために何百万もの犠牲者を犠牲にした男 は、兵士のように死ぬ方法を知らなかった

So the Emperor gave him command of the  Imperial Guard infantry for the Jena campaign.


For praise by the Emperor. Within days, Lannes  had resigned his command and returned to France.

に選ばれたことに激怒し ました。数日以内に、ランヌは彼の指揮を辞任し、フランスに戻った。

When the Emperor returned to France, he entrusted the pursuit of the British army to Marshal

率いました 。 皇帝がフランスに戻ったとき、彼はイギリス軍の追跡を ソウルト

Entrusted by the Emperor with the main attack on the enemy centre, he formed his troops


Together, he and the Emperor oversaw preparations for the next attempt to cross the Danube six

一緒に、彼と皇帝は、6 週間後に

First Corps at Friedland, where he successfully  led a major attack as the Emperor looked on.

を指揮するために介入 し、皇帝が見守る中、大規模な攻撃を首尾よく主導しました。

And when they later retreated again, he and the  Emperor exchanged sharp words on the battlefield.


On the first day of the Battle of Wagram, the  Emperor criticised Davout for his slow attack.  


On the eve of the Battle of Borodino, the Emperor  dismissed Davout’s request to outflank the Russian  

ボロジノの戦いの前夜、皇帝はダヴーのロシアの 防衛 を凌駕する要求を却下し

A superb administrator, he was a stern and loyal  deputy for the Emperor in Poland and Germany.

A superb administrator, he was a stern and loyal deputy for the Emperor in Poland and Germany.

As he issued his final orders to his Marshals, the Emperor turned to Soult last and said,

。 彼が元帥に最後の命令を出したとき、皇帝は最後にソウルトに目を 向け 、

No aspect of the Napoleonic era has been forgotten, with busts and statuettes of the Emperor himself…


But the Emperor was not interested. Augereau was  stripped of his baton, and died the next year.


Who – in his eyes – had made him look foolish in  front of the Emperor. Soult ignored the challenge.

ソウルト元帥との決闘を要求し ました。ソウルトは挑戦を無視した。

“So long as it was possible for me to believe  that the Emperor Napoleon was fighting to bring  

「ナポレオン皇帝が フランスに平和と栄光を

And met the future-Emperor for the first time at  the Siege of Toulon, where Napoleon made his name.


The emperor passed away in January of 1989. Therefore, the name of the era changed from Showa to Heisei.


In the post-War period, up until 1975, Emperor Showa prayed at the Yasukuni Shrine a total of 8 times.


I think there are probably few Japanese who know this side of the Emperor Meiji, the side that left a song like this.


Kamui no Ken was a sort of samurai/ninja story set during the transition of the fall of the Tokugawa Shogunate and the re-establishment of Japan under the Emperor Meiji in 1868.
