Translation of "Hairy" in Japanese

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Examples of using "Hairy" in a sentence and their japanese translations:

A giant hairy scorpion.

‎デザート・ヘアリー・ ‎スコーピオンだ

Now, that was quite... hairy!


He has a hairy chest.


I'm scared of big, black, hairy tarantulas!


The same happens with hairy legs or armpits,

同じことは 毛深い脚とか わき毛にも言えます

Broad, hairy feet glide over the deepest snow.

‎大きく毛深い足で ‎雪上を駆け回る

- Get away!
- Get lost!
- Piss off!
- Rack off, hairy legs!


You don't have to go getting so hairy about such a small thing.


- Get away!
- Go away.
- Rack off, hairy legs!
- Be gone!
- Away with you!

- 向こうへ行け!
- あっちへ行け!
- 離れろ。

That's a hairy desert scorpion, and look how that whole exoskeleton just lights up.

毛のある砂漠のサソリだな 外骨格が光ってるのを 見てくれ

I know that things will get hairy if I don't start studying for my exams soon, but I just don't have any motivation.
