Translation of "Gay" in Japanese

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Examples of using "Gay" in a sentence and their japanese translations:

- He is gay.
- He's gay.


He is gay.


My father is gay.


You didn't know Tom was gay?


Is the club gay or straight?


There's nothing wrong with being gay.


- I am not gay, but my boyfriend is.
- I'm not gay, but my boyfriend is.


Which is an animus towards gay people,


He doesn't see gay people that way.

ゲイの人たちは そのように見なされないのです

Grandma did not know I was gay,

祖母は私がゲイであると 知りませんでした

I heard the gay voices of children.


Do you know of any gay clubs?


Where can I find a good gay club?


Tom is either gay or bisexual, I think.


Why she feels a little uncomfortable with gay relationships

少し不快に思う理由について 話し合うのもいいでしょう

Even by kids who also end up being gay.

私のように 後に自分がゲイと気づく 子どもにまで いじめられます

Growing up gay in a state where homosexuality was illegal.

私が育った州では 同性愛が違法だったからです

So what if I am gay? Is it a crime?


And if I were gay, would that be a crime?


gay couples will be wandering through orphanages picking babies off shelves

ゲイのカップルは 新しいIKEAのソファにぴったりの

Poor kids and gay kids are more likely to be bullied,

貧しい子どもやゲイの子どもは よくいじめられます

As if being gay makes you less of a man, right?

だってゲイっぽいのは 男らしくありませんもんね?

And you get fed up of people sneeringly describe things as gay.

物事を「ゲイ」だと言って嘲る人々にも もう うんざりなのです

Or that Vicky, it turns out, would eventually end up being gay.

ビッキーが結局ゲイになったことは 偶然ではなかったのです

- I heard the gay voices of children.
- I heard the children's happy voices.


I heard that a gay priest had been promoted to the rank of bishop, but it turned out to be a fabrication.


The small crowd at Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park stood for a moment of silence at 8:15 a.m., the exact moment an atomic bomb nicknamed “Little Boy” was dropped from the U.S. warplane Enola Gay.


November 15th is the seven-five-three festival, when parents with boys of five, girls of seven and either boys or girls of three celebrate their children's maturation, dress them in gay clothes and take them to shrines where they pray for their children's future.


It's the answer spoken by young and old, rich and poor, Democrat and Republican, black, white, Hispanic, Asian, Native American, gay, straight, disabled and not disabled. Americans who sent a message to the world that we have never been just a collection of individuals or a collection of red states and blue states. We are, and always will be, the United States of America.

老いも若きも、金持ちも貧乏人も、そろって答えました。民主党員も共和党員も、黒人も白人も、ヒスパニックもアジア人もアメリカ先住民も、ゲイもストレートも、障害者も障害のない人たちも。アメリカ人はみんなして、答えを出しました。アメリカは今夜、世界中にメッセージを発したのです。私たちはただ単に個人がバラバラに集まっている国だったこともなければ、単なる赤い州と青い州の寄せ集めだったこともないと。私たちは今も、そしてこれから先もずっと、すべての州が一致団結したアメリカ合衆国(United States of America)なのです。