Translation of "Dot" in Japanese

0.007 sec.

Examples of using "Dot" in a sentence and their japanese translations:

Be at the station at eleven on the dot.


The general meeting began at 9 am on the dot.


"Bye, see you tomorrow." "Oh, what's this? Leaving on the dot again?"


Will you put a dot before the names of the successful students?


Polka-dot tree frogs have an ingenious way to spot each other at night.

‎ブチアマガエルは ‎賢いやり方で相手を見つける

- Be at the station at eleven on the dot.
- Be at the station at 11 o'clock sharp.


We watched her drive her car away, until it was no more than a dot in the distance.


He who minds his Ps and Qs will not forget to dot the "i's" and cross his "t's", when writing.
