Translation of "Ceases" in Japanese

0.006 sec.

Examples of using "Ceases" in a sentence and their japanese translations:

His behavior never ceases to surprise me.

- 彼の行動にはいつもびっくりさせられる。
- 彼の行動にはいつも驚かされる。

Tom's behavior never ceases to surprise me.


- We shall go when the rain ceases.
- We'll go when it quits raining.


- We shall go when the rain ceases.
- We'll go when the rain stops.

- 私達は雨がやんだら行く。
- 雨が上がったら僕らは行きます。

- We shall go when the rain ceases.
- We'll go when the rain stops.
- We'll go when it quits raining.
