Translation of "Cave" in Japanese

0.019 sec.

Examples of using "Cave" in a sentence and their japanese translations:

Cave escape!


Bit of a cave.


This is a cave.


Tom entered the cave.


Cool cave? Or high tree?

ほら穴? 木の上?

So either we do the cave...


So, either we do the cave...


No one could find the cave.


The cave is easy to access.


Tom is trapped in the cave.


The cave is full of fireflies.


We got lost in the cave.


So we could camp in this cave,


The little cave is swept and cleared,

この小さな洞窟は 安全のようだ

Was the cave found by the boys?


The cave did for our hiding place.


Bit of a cave. Yeah, check this out.

ほら穴だ 見てよ

That wouldn't have happened in the snow cave.


We heard somber hollow sounds from the cave.


The explorers discovered a skeleton in the cave.


There are three men trapped in the cave.


This is what I found in the cave.


[Bear] So, we're going to drop into the cave?


So, they're obviously using this cave to shelter in.


A monster was believed to live in the cave.


Tom was the first person to enter the cave.


Dig a tunnel and actually make a proper snow cave.


Dig a tunnel, and actually make a proper snow cave.


Down in this cave, you're in charge. Make the decision.

君しだいだ 決めてくれ

Believe it or not, a monster emerged from the cave.


- "What's going on in the cave? I'm curious." "I have no idea."
- "What's happening in the cave? I'm curious." "I have no idea."


Something has killed that, dragged it into this cave to eat.

殺(ころ)されて― ここに運(はこ)ばれてきたんだ

[Bear] We can't stay in this cave if there's a wolf,


So you think the best idea is to camp in the cave.

ほら穴の中での野宿が 最善策(さいぜんさく)?

And the medicines are nice and cool. Kept cool in that cave.

くすりは冷えたままだよ 涼(すず)しかった

Something has killed that, and dragged it into this cave to eat.

殺(ころ)されて― ここに運(はこ)ばれてきたんだ

And then leave it for ten minutes, smokes gonna fill the cave


Wow, that's a huge cave dropping into the side of the mountain.

デカいほら穴だ 山腹に続いてる

Yeah, a wolf has been having the ultimate picnic in this cave.

オオカミがこのほら穴で ピクニックをしてるんだ

The cave was so dark that they had to feel their way.

- その洞穴はとても暗かったので、彼らは手探りで進まねばならなかった。
- その洞窟は手探りで進まなければならないほど暗かった。

We plunged into the cave opening on our boat and continued on.


But it's at least 20 degrees hotter out here than inside that cave.

でも ほら穴の中にいるより 6度くらい暑くなる

So, you want me to follow the wolf tracks deeper into the cave?


Even if you live in a little cave, you come out now and again,

小さな洞穴に住んでいて たまに出てくるという人でさえ

[Bear] But it's at least 20 degrees hotter out here than inside that cave.

でもほら穴の中にいるより 6度くらい暑くなる

When a big ape emerged from the cave, they got frightened and ran away.


Cave goes all the way in. And this wouldn't be a bad place to camp.

ほら穴が続(つづ)いてる ここは野宿にいい

It's a good thing you chose this cave for shelter. The jungle comes even more alive at night.

ほら穴を選(えら)んだのは いい判断(はんだん)だ 夜のジャングルは 生き生きとする

So, what are we going to do? Are we going to use the cave and drop into that?

どうする? このほら穴を使う?

Either I try and climb that, or just at the mouth of this cave, try and rock climb up.

ロープを登るか ほら穴の入り口の 岩を登ってもいい

So we could camp in this cave, and it's gonna be good for the medicine, it's much cooler in there.

ここで野宿してもいい くすりを涼(すず)しい場所に 置(お)いておける

So we could camp in this cave... and it's gonna be good for the medicine, it's much cooler in there.

ここで野宿してもいい くすりを涼(すず)しい場所に 置(お)いておける

Down in this cave, you're in charge. Make the decision. [Bear] A rattlesnake bite can be deadly. So we've got to be careful.

君しだいだ 決めてくれ ガラガラヘビにかまれると 死ぬぞ