Translation of "Armée" in Japanese

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Examples of using "Armée" in a sentence and their japanese translations:

Of the Grande Armée was officially confirmed.


Organising the Grande Armée  for the invasion of Russia.

という膨大な任務を彼に任せました 。

As the Grande Armée marched  to its destruction in Russia.

ました。 しかし、ライプツィヒで彼は一時的に最高の状態に戻り、

They looked more like fugitives  than soldiers of the Grande Armée.


Oudinot was back with the  Grande Armée in Germany in 1813.

ウディノは1813 年 にドイツの大陸軍に戻った。

Six weeks later, the Grande Armée  began its infamous retreat from Moscow.


The Grande Armée – and marched east to take on the Third Coalition.

最大の軍団)になり 、東に進軍して第三次対仏大同盟を結成しました。

The following year he took command  of Fifth Corps of the Grande Armée,  


Of the Grande Armée – and marched  east to take on the Third Coalition.

なり 、東に進軍して第三次対仏大同盟を結んだ。

Napoleon’s Grande Armée, and helped many officers to escape arrest by the Bourbons.

最後の要素の動員解除を担当し、 多くの将校がブルボン家による逮捕から逃れるのを助けました。

As the remnants of the Grande Armée began  crossing over two improvised bridges,  


After convalescing in France, Marmont was  back with the Grande Armée in 1813,  

フランスで復興した後、 ナポレオンが帝国を救うために戦ったとき

Saint-Cyr returned to the Grande Armée in  August, taking command of Fourteenth Corps  


As the Grande Armée advanced deeper into Russia, Ney was always near the action – leading


As well as uniforms and flags of the Grande Armée and Imperial Guard… and even the


Well as uniforms and flags of the Grande Armée and  Imperial Guard… and even the baton of a Maréchal.
