Translation of "Allows" in Japanese

0.005 sec.

Examples of using "Allows" in a sentence and their japanese translations:

allows it to be disassembled.


This rule allows no exception.


allows abuse like this to continue.


Because data allows you to learn,

データは私達に 学ばせてくれるからです

His behavior allows of no criticism.


Your conduct allows of no excuse.


This new controversy allows us to draft


The sales plan allows of no alteration.


This ticket allows two people to enter.

- この切符で二人入れるよ。
- このチケットは2名様でご入場できます。

This gate allows access to the garden.


That allows me to convert numbers into words.


His father allows him 2000 yen a week.

父親は彼に週に2000円を与えている。 technology... allows us to reveal rarely seen creatures...

‎最先端の技術が珍しい生物の ‎夜の姿を映し出す

Because that ambiguity allows us to have a conversation.

曖昧さがあるからこそ 会話をする余地ができるからです

The hall allows children in only on that day.


That allows you to access all sorts of landscapes.

いろんな所に行ける乗り物を 作ろうと考えました

And this allows other people to be fair in turn.

そのお返しに 周りの人も公平な態度を 取るようになるのです

And allows people to sort of journey through the exhibitions

彫刻公園の一方から 他方へ渡りつつ

Is that our entertainment today allows us to be separate.

今日の娯楽が 人々をバラバラに させているためだと思います

His father allows him $10 a week as spending money.


This ticket allows you to stop over at any station.


A thermal-imaging camera allows us to cut through the night.

‎だが赤外線カメラが ‎闇の中を映し出す

It allows us to be ambitious and assertive, but still be likable.

野心的になれる上 自己主張でき それでいて感じもいいのです

The fact that we are connected allows us to launch a controversy

私たちが繋がり合っていることで 新しい論争を起こすことが可能になり

If you look at what allows traffic to move down a highway,

高速道路では交通がスムーズに流れる 理由を考えてみます

What allows it to move forward isn't how fast cars are moving,

それは車が走れる速度のおかげと 思うかもしれませんが

It creates additional job prospects. It allows us to talk to more people.

就職の可能性が増えますし より多くの人と話すことができます

And what this procedure allows us to do is to track the shape of the baby's head

そうすることで 赤ちゃんの頭の形を 追跡することが可能になり

People need to express themselves; they cannot do so unless society allows them liberty to do so.


My arms are just balancing. Having the rope wrapped around my foot that allows me to push up.

腕(うで)はバランスを取るだけ ロープを足に巻(ま)いて 押(お)し上げる

A passport identifies you as a citizen of a country and allows you to travel to foreign countries.


- The ticket admits two persons.
- This ticket lets two people in.
- This ticket allows two people to enter.


Why God allows these sorts of actions by Satan is explained in the Book of Job in the Bible.


[Bear] The good thing about doing this, it allows you to stay on the high ground. Easier to maintain your direction.

この方法なら 高い場所にいられる 方向が維持できる

- We will go on a picnic if it is fine tomorrow.
- We’ll go on a picnic tomorrow if the weather allows.
- We’ll go on a picnic tomorrow if the weather’s good.
- We'll go on a picnic if it's fine tomorrow.
