Translation of "18" in Japanese

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Examples of using "18" in a sentence and their japanese translations:

18. Marshal Bernadotte




Are you 18?


Are you over 18?


I'm 18 years old.

- 私は18歳です。
- 私は十八歳です。
- 私は18才です。

People above 18 may drive.


People under 18 cannot marry.


- I am eighteen years old.
- I'm 18 years old.
- I am 18 years old.

- 年齢は18歳です。
- 私は18歳です。
- 私は十八歳です。
- 私は18才です。

Children under 18 are not admitted.


- I am eighteen years old.
- I'm 18 years old.
- I am 18 years old.
- I'm eighteen.

- 年齢は18歳です。
- 私は18歳です。
- 私は十八歳です。
- 私は18才です。

When you're 18 and you're attending university,


Entrance is restricted to those above 18.


She is at most 18 years old.

- 彼女は多く見ても18歳だろう。
- 彼女はせいぜい18歳だ。

My uncle went to sea at 18.


And when she was 18 years old,


- She came to Tokyo at the age of 18.
- She came to Tokyo when she was 18.

- 彼女は18歳のときに上京した。
- 彼女は18歳の時に東京に来ました。

Naturally, he backed  Napoleon’s coup of 18 Brumaire,  

ナポレオンが 総裁政府 を倒し、フランスの初代領事になったとき

People over 18 are allowed to drive cars.


I started playing drums when I was 18,

そして 18歳の時に ドラムを始めました

She came to Tokyo when she was 18.


So, when I was 18 and entering university though,

でも私は 18歳で大学に入学したとき

Now 18 years later, Andrew, who is my nephew,

今や18年が経ち 私の甥であるアンドリューは

The students range in age from 18 to 25.


People over the age of 18 can drive cars.


A car licence can be held from age 18.


We'd like to order 18 tonnes of olive oil.


Koalas sleep for 18 to 22 hours per day.

- コアラって、1日18〜22時間寝るんだ。
- コアラは一日に18時間から22時間眠ります。

For children who are 18 years of age and younger?

私たちは 何をすれば 良いのでしょうか?

I'm 18 years old, and I've never had a phone.

私は18歳の今まで 電話を持った事がありません

Now, it's no secret that teens ages 13 to 18


Surprisingly, the ages of applicants ranged between 18 and 68.

なんと18歳から68歳の方が 応募してきたんです

People over the age of 18 are able to drive.


- Are you over 18?
- Are you over eighteen years old?


At the age of 18, Tom volunteered to join the army.


Many boys and girls ranging from 12 to 18 entered the contest.

- 12歳から18歳にわたるたくさんの少年少女たちがそのコンテストに応募した。
- 12歳から18歳にわたる多くの少年少女がコンテストにエントリーした。

Just one person is likely to infect between 12 and 18 people.


Remember when you had more energy for 18 holes with your buddies?

18ホール全部 まわれてた日々を思いだして!

- She is eighteen at most.
- She is at most 18 years old.

- 彼女は多く見ても18歳だろう。
- 彼女はせいぜい18歳だ。
- 彼女はせいぜい18歳だ。

Naka is one of the 18 administrative districts that compose Yokohama prefecture.


- She came to Tokyo at the age of 18.
- She came to Tokyo when she was 18.
- She came to Tokyo when she was eighteen years old.

- 彼女は18歳のときに上京した。
- 彼女は18歳の時に東京に来ました。

So, my name is Ann Makosinski; I'm 18 years old; I'm from Canada.

私はアン・マコシスンキ カナダ出身の18歳です

The general structure of Berthier’s system  changed little over the next 18 years,  


In most Western countries, young people come of age at 18 or 21.


The Federal Reserve cut its benchmark discount rate to an 18-year low.


This site contains content not suitable for persons under the age of 18.


But when Napoleon asked Bernadotte to  support his coup of 18 Brumaire, he refused,  


To be the military muscle for the  coup of 18 Fructidor. This was an  

に 送り 、18実月のクーデターの軍事力になりました。これは

Now that you are 18 years old, you should not do such a thing.


When Napoleon staged his coup of 18 Brumaire,  Lannes helped to ensure the army’s loyalty.


Later that year, he assisted Napoleon’s seizure of power in the Coup of 18 Brumaire,


In most countries, people under the age of 18 are considered minors - they cannot vote.


- She came up to Tokyo at eighteen.
- She came to Tokyo at the age of 18.
- She came to Tokyo when she was 18.
- She came to Tokyo when she was eighteen years old.

- 彼女は18歳のときに上京した。
- 彼女は18歳の時に東京に来ました。

It felt like every single thought I had ever had in my 18 years of existence

当時18年間 生きていた ありとあらゆる考えが

- She came to Tokyo at the age of 18.
- She came to Tokyo when she was 18.
- She came to Tokyo when she was eighteen years old.
- She came to Tokyo at the age of eighteen.


On June 18 at the Niigata city aquarium, 7000 fish died because of a mistake by an employee.

新潟市の水族館で6月18日、飼育員の誤りで飼育されていた魚約 7,000匹が大量死した。

- A car licence can be held from age 18.
- You can get a car license after you turn eighteen.


The all-day DTA Technical meeting on Tuesday Jan 14 was attended by 32 people from 18 DTA firms.


When I was 17 or 18 years old, I started buying candy with my own money and I always bought marshmallows.

- 十七八の頃、自分の小遣で菓子を買ふやうになつて、僕は、しきりにマシマロを買つた。
- 十七八の頃、自分の小遣で菓子を買うようになって、僕は、しきりにマシマロを買った。

The yen was revalued upward against the U.S. dollar from a rate of 360 yen against the dollar to 308 yen on December 18, 1971.


- Today is June 18th and it is Muiriel's birthday!
- It's 18th June today, and also Muiriel's birthday!
- Today is June 18 and it is Muriel's birthday!


On May 18, a young Japanese couple was arrested after their one-year-old baby was found wrapped in a plastic bag and dumped in a gutter.
