Translation of "Looking" in Hungarian

0.009 sec.

Examples of using "Looking" in a sentence and their hungarian translations:

- You're looking good!
- You're looking good.

Jól nézel ki!

Keep looking.

- Folytasd a keresést!
- Keresd tovább!
- Kutass tovább!

- I'm just looking around.
- I'm just looking.

Csak nézelődöm.

- Everyone's looking for you.
- Everybody's looking for you.
- Everyone is looking for you.
- Everybody is looking for you.

Mindenki téged keres.

- They're looking for it.
- They're looking for her.


- Stop looking at me!
- Stop looking at me.

- Hagyd abba a nézésemet!
- Ne nézz már engem!
- Ne nézzél már!

- Who are you looking for?
- Who're you looking for?
- Whom are you looking for?

Mit keresel?

It's about looking

Ez a megtekintésről szól,

You're looking good!

Jól nézel ki!

Is anyone looking?

Néz valaki?

He's looking good.

Jól néz ki.

We're still looking.

Keressük még.

Stop looking down.

Ne nézz már le!

Are you looking?


I'm just looking.

Csak nézelődöm.

No one's looking.

Senki sem néz.

You're looking great.

Nagyszerűen nézel ki.

They're still looking.

Még mindig néznek.

I'll keep looking.

- Folytatom a keresést.
- Nézem tovább.
- Folytatni fogom a keresést.

You're looking tired.

- Fáradtnak látszol.
- Fáradtnak tűnsz.

- What are you looking at?
- What're you looking at?

Mit nézel?

- I'm looking for you.
- I am looking for you.

- Téged kereslek.
- Önt keresem.

- Who are you looking for?
- Who're you looking for?

Kit keresel?

- What are you looking for?
- What're you looking for?

Mit keres?

- What're we looking for?
- What are we looking for?

Mit keresünk?

- We are looking for it.
- We're looking for it.

Éppen azt keressük.

- I'm looking for a job.
- I'm looking for work.
- I am looking for a job.

Munkát keresek.

- What are you looking for?
- What're you guys looking for?
- What are you guys looking for?

Mit kerestek?

- I'm just looking for Tom.
- I'm looking for Tom now.

Éppen Tamást keresem.

- Why's everyone looking at me?
- Why's everybody looking at me?

Miért néz rám mindenki?

- Everybody was looking for Tom.
- Everyone was looking for Tom.

Mindenki Tomit kereste.

- Are you looking for someone?
- Are you looking for somebody?

Keresel valakit?

- I'm looking for a socket.
- I'm looking for a power point.
- I'm looking for a power outlet.

Konnektort keresek.

looking at the Earth,

a földgömböt bámulva,

I'm just looking around.

Csak nézelődök.

Mary is average looking.

Mary átlagos kinézetű.

I'm looking for Tom.

Tomot keresem.

He's looking at dinosaurs.

Egy dinoszauruszra hasonlít.

They're looking for you.

Téged keresnek.

Who're you looking for?

Kit keresel?

I'm looking for work.

Munkát keresek.

I'm looking for someone.

Keresek valakit.

I'm looking for something.

Keresek valamit.

Nobody's looking for us.

Senki nem keres minket.

- Keep searching.
- Keep looking.

Keress tovább!

We're looking for survivors.

Túlélők után kutatunk.

We're looking for someone.

Keresünk valakit.

We're looking into it.

Most vizsgáljuk.

We're just looking around.

Csak nézelődünk.

They're looking for Tom.

Ők Tamást keresik.

I'm looking for you.

Önt keresem.

I saw you looking.

Láttam, hogy nézelődsz.

She's looking at us.

Ő minket néz.

We're looking for Tom.

Tomot keressük.

He's really good looking.

Tényleg jól néz ki.

Who's Tom looking for?

Kit keres Tom?

Tom is looking around.

Tom éppen körülnéz.

Tom is still looking.

Tom még mindig néz.

We're looking for him.

Keressük őt.

We're looking for them.

Keressük őket.

You're looking very well.

Nagyon jól nézel ki.

Tom's looking for work.

Tom munkát keres.

What're we looking for?

Mit keresünk?

Sami was looking shitty.

Szarul nézett ki Sami.

We're looking for oil.

- Olajat keresünk.
- Olaj után kutatunk.

You're looking well, darling.

- Jól nézel ki, drágám.
- Jól nézel ki, bogaram!

- I am looking for my phone.
- I'm looking for my phone.

A telefonomat keresem.

- I am looking for my brother.
- I'm looking for my brother.

A testvéremet keresem.

- What are you guys looking at?
- What're you all looking at?

Mit néztek?

- He is looking for a job.
- He's looking for a job.

Munkát keres.

- I am looking for my friends.
- I'm looking for my friends.

Keresem a barátaimat.

- Are you looking for a job?
- Are you looking for work?

Munkát keres?

Good-looking people are good-looking no matter what they wear.

A jóképű emberek jól néznek ki, függetlenül attól, hogy mit viselnek.

- I am looking forward to Christmas.
- I'm looking forward to Christmas.

- Türelmetlenül várom a Karácsonyt.
- Izgatottan várom a Karácsonyt.

- I'm looking forward to it.
- I am looking forward to it.

Már alig várom.

- I'm looking for my dog.
- I am looking for my dog.

A kutyámat keresem.

- I was looking for the right words.
- I was looking for suitable words.
- I was looking for appropriate words.
- I was looking for apt words.

- A megfelelő szavakat kerestem.
- Kerestem a megfelelő szavakat.

- What are you looking for?
- What're you looking for?
- What are you searching for?
- What're you guys looking for?

- Mit keres?
- Mit kerestek?

- We were looking for you everywhere.
- We were looking everywhere for you.

Mindenhol kerestünk.