Translation of "Motivate" in French

0.009 sec.

Examples of using "Motivate" in a sentence and their french translations:

That shape their identity and motivate their violence.

qui forment leur identité et motivent leur violence.

Do not forget to comment comments motivate us

N'oubliez pas de commenter les commentaires nous motivent

In order to motivate the invasion of England.

afin de motiver l'invasion de l'Angleterre.

Your opinion will motivate the author to write more.

Votre avis motivera l'auteur à écrire plus.

Where it doesn't even motivate them to do more.

où il ne fait même pas les motiver à faire plus.

It's always hard for me to motivate myself on Fridays.

J'ai toujours du mal à me motiver le vendredi.

But I am saying that, if we want to motivate change,

Mais je dis que si on souhaite motiver au changement,

It's very hard to motivate yourself to learn further and improve yourself,

ça devient très dur de se motiver à apprendre plus, s'améliorer,